biology st olaf
Advances in the mathematical sciences — mathematics, statistics, and computer science — have brought new perspectives to biological research. The course emphasizes problem-solving, quantitative reasoning, the scientific method, and scientific writing through lectures, discussions, readings, writing assignments, and lab work. Legal Navigation. Prerequisite: BIO 143, or BIO 150 and BIO 227 or CH/BI 227. BIO 253: Water in Morocco: Precious, Precarious, and Problematic (abroad). Human interactions with the environment have changed rapidly, as human populations grow, travel increases, and ecosystems are altered. Prerequisites: BIO 150; and CHEM 121/123 or CHEM 122 or CHEM 125; and CHEM 126; BIO 227 or CH/BI 227 recommended. The last decade has unveiled the mechanism by which a single cell gives rise to an embryo rich in pattern and cellular diversity. Also counts toward environmental studies major (all emphases) and concentration when taught with environmental science focus and approved by chair. Students explore the history, evolution, and diversity of life in the context of genetics and comparative genomics. Based in Quito, the three field expeditions alternate with home-based rest days allowing for reflective writing in journals, assimilation, and discussion. Internships do not count toward the biology major requirements. Offered during Interim. Also counts toward environmental studies major (natural science emphasis) and mathematical biology concentration. Students read, present, and discuss scientific literature in a field selected by participating faculty. Offered periodically during Interim. Students attend lectures plus one three-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisites: BIO 150; and CHEM 125 or CHEM 121/CHEM 123 or CHEM 122 or CH/BI 125. Offered periodically. The Biology Department offers a diverse array of courses and experiences that present fundamental biological principles and processes within the context of being informed, responsible, and compassionate citizens. This core course examines organism-environment interactions and the study of populations, communities and ecosystems. Students in a non-laboratory investigative course will practice sophistication in evaluating the primary literature, as well as independence in assembling and synthesizing ideas from that literature. CH/BI students complete a series of three courses and work together to learn the fundamentals of chemistry and cellular biology. View Sara Fruehling’s professional profile on Relationship Science, the database of decision makers. Research opportunities and other independent study are central to the teaching mission of the Biology Department. Students attend lectures plus one three-hour laboratory per week. Why are others able to exist in only very particular conditions? This course builds on the principles learned in Chemistry/Biology 125/126 and explores how chemistry informs major principles of cellular and molecular biology. Students learn about basic techniques of data collection and analysis to investigate plant evolution: identifying plants, dissecting and staining plant structures, and using computer-based taxonomic statistics programs. Mathematical Biology. For current biology majors and alumni alike, see what events are happening in Biology at St. Olaf Find researchers and browse publications, full-texts, contact details and general information related to the Biology at St. Olaf College James Demas (he, him, his) Associate Professor of Biology and Physics; Director of Neuroscience. Offered occasionally during Interim. Also counts toward biomolecular science concentration. Offered each semester. Does not count toward biology major requirements. This course examines the processes of evolution in detail (selection, genetic drift, mutation, migration) and studies the methods by which biologists reconstruct the history of life on the planet. Prerequisites: BIO 227 or CH/BI 227, and BIO 233. Counts toward mathematical biology, neuroscience, and biomolecular studies concentrations. Katherine Towler, Regents Science 360 Also counts toward environmental studies major (all emphases) and environmental studies and mathematical biology concentrations. Students interested in independent research may enroll in BIO 297 or BIO 398. BIO 291: Topics in Biological Research (0.25). Also counts toward neuroscience concentration. Microbiology examines the morphology, composition, metabolism, and genetics of micro organisms with emphasis on bacteria and viruses. Apply through International and Off-Campus Studies. This course examines the physical, chemical, and biological drivers of freshwater ecology. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor. This course explores contemporary biological issues related to health and the environment, with the goal of fostering informed citizens prepared for current biological debates. Immunology focuses on the structure, development, and function of the immune system. This course offers students the opportunity to study first-hand the most diverse ecosystems on earth. Every biology major takes at least one level III course in the department. Students participate in significant amounts of group work and oral presentation. The laboratory emphasizes question-asking, problem-solving, and exploring biodiversity, and students have multiple opportunities to practice and communicate their science. May be offered as a 1.00 credit course or .50 credit course. St. Olaf offers a strong and modern biology curriculum rooted in the liberal arts. Students pursuing a secondary school science education teaching license with a life science specialty should consider completing the biology major including BIO 123 or BIO 243 as one of their electives. Students interested in an internship should consult with the Piper Center for Vocation and Career, enlist a faculty supervisor, and complete an internship application. This course provides the framework for understanding medical language and terminology used by healthcare professionals, and helps students learn common medical terms essential for safe patient care and effective communication between interprofessional healthcare teams. Examples are often pulled from the realm of biological molecules and processes. This course approaches the study of animal behavior from the blended viewpoints of evolutionary behavioral ecology and comparative psychology. Offered annually in the spring semester. While programs leading to graduate work are planned on an individual basis, many programs require students to have completed two or more quantitative courses (mathematics, statistics, or computer science), two courses in physics, and at least four courses in chemistry. Prerequisites: BIO 227 or CH/BI 227 or CHEM 379. These are the sorts of questions students explore as they navigate the basic systems that provide circulation, ventilation, movement, digestion, and waste removal. E Students interested in off-campus biology courses should consult biology faculty or the Office of International and Off-Campus Studies. Prerequisite: BIO 261. Students look at how these processes are coordinated by the nervous and endocrine systems and how they vary across the animal kingdom to help organisms survive in dry, hot deserts, in dark, deep oceans, and places in between. St. Olaf students interested in taking Biology online courses and classes can browse through Uloop’s directory of online courses to find top online college courses being offered from top universities, including engineering, math, science and more. hydropower, invasive species, pollution, climate change). Rich Allen, 1975 Professor … Also counts toward women's and gender studies major and concentration if approved by petition. Biology majors are encouraged to participate in research with faculty, off-campus programs in biology, departmental seminars, and social activities. 1 was here. Offered during Interim. Does not count toward biology major. Prerequisite: BIO 233. Biology 394 is for students who have completed one internship (BIO 294) and wish to complete a second internship. Also counts toward biomolecular science concentration. Prerequisite: BIO 150 or permission of instructor. First-year students with a passion for science at the interface of biology and chemistry are encouraged to apply to our integrated introductory Ch emistry/ Bi ology sequence, or CH/BI. May be repeated if topics are different. CH/BI 126: Integrated Chem/Bio II: Thermodynamics and Kinetics with Bio Relevance. Students learn current and/or historical evidence and methodology (e.g., microscopy, isolation procedures, and probes). (507) 786-3100. This biology course emphasizes learning strategies and critical thinking skills as applied to the curriculum of BIO 150. In this intensive field-oriented course students explore lowland rainforest, montane forest, dry forest, and coastal and agricultural ecosystems through projects and field trips. Prerequisites: BIO 143 and BIO 243. Biology Department 507-786-3100. Additional courses are required as specified by the Education Department. John D. Schade, Biology Department, St. Olaf College, 1520 St. Olaf Avenue, Northfield, MN 55057, U.S.A. E‐mail: Regents Hall of Natural Sciences 260 BIO 297 is independent research that can be taken for 0.25, 0.5 or 1 credit. Students attend lectures plus one three-hour laboratory per week. Students read and discuss texts and primary literature specific to ecology, evolution, conservation, and agricultural practices of each area, and keep reflective journals. Also counts toward neuroscience concentration. Independent research is offered for students dedicated to an in-depth research experience. Offered each semester. Counts toward "cell biology" core category for the biology major. Students explore the material through large and small group discussions of readings, and short lectures interspersed with activities. Counts as "comparative organismal biology" core category. Also counts toward biomolecular science concentration. Students attend lectures plus one two-hour laboratory per week. P507-786-3397. This course traces the use of surgical, genetic, and molecular techniques as they have uncovered the developmental blueprints encoding the universal body plan fundamental to all metazoan life. Staying at the Gerace Research Center on San Salvador Island provides access to a diversity of marine and terrestrial habitats including coral reefs, seagrass beds, mangrove forests, hypersaline ponds, limestone caverns, and the "blue-holes" that connect inland waterways to the sea. Counts as "genetics" core category. Students attend lectures plus one three-hour laboratory per week. BIO 290: Medical Terminology (0.25 credit). Apply through International and Off-Campus Studies. Students attend lectures plus one three-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite: an introductory science course. Students study topics in biology. The PDF will include all pages within the catalog. Find Biology Everywhere at St. Olaf College (St. Olaf), along with other Health in Northfield, Minnesota. May be repeated if topic is different. BIO 284: Peruvian Medical Experience (abroad). Offered each semester. For the less science-oriented student, it seeks to stimulate natural curiosity about how our bodies work and how humans interact with their surroundings by providing several courses designed primarily for non-science majors. BIO 375: Advanced Supplemental Research (0.25). Students participate in a semester-long project that allows them to sequence and publish their own DNA and analyze their evolutionary history. We are grateful for the impact your gifts make possible on the Hill. In Boulder, students prepare samples for electron microscopy and immuno-gold Electron Microscopy, capture EM-images, and generate 3-D Tomograms. E Open only to sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Prerequisite: BIO 150. Laboratories are designed to introduce students to the major invertebrate groups via observation of living animals and through dissection. Students attend lectures plus one three-hour laboratory per week. Review St. Olaf College (St. Olaf) Biology tutors, including Josh M., in Northfield, MN to find the St. Olaf Biology tutor that meets your tutoring needs. Mathematical Biology. Prerequisites: BIO 150 or permission of instructor. Students attend lectures plus one three-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite: one natural science course. Offered each semester and during Interim. Counts as "comparative organismal biology" core category. This course may not be taken after completion of CH/BI 227 or BIO 227. Apply through International and Off-Campus Studies. He is currently a Professor of Biology at St. Olaf College in Northfield, MN, where he has been since 1993. Regents Hall of Natural Science #414. Also counts toward biomolecular science and neuroscience concentrations. May be repeated if topic is different. This course focuses on the wonderous actions of the human body. Students intending to enter graduate or professional school are encouraged to consult with the biology faculty to plan a course of study appropriate for the postgraduate program. Woven into all learning opportunities are hands-on experiences with modern equipment that stimulate critical and independent thinking. Prerequisite: BIO 227 or CH/BI 227. Independent Research taken as BIO 297 does not count toward the major and can only be taken P/N. Students combine textbook reading with supplemental primary literature and laboratory-based experiences to develop individual research topics, leading to a review paper or symposium. Northfield, MN 55057, P 507-786-3100 Offered annually during Interim. Offered each semester. Human health is affected by the biological environment, a teeming world of parasites and diseases, and the physical environment -- the water, air, and landscapes that we inhabit. Regardless of their career paths, students come away with strong research and problem-solving skills, a sharp investigational mind, and a lifelong appreciation for the complexity of life. The ability to reproduce is one of the key features of a living organism. AP or IB credit does not provide the equivalent of this foundation course; students with AP or IB credit instead receive one 100-level elective credit in the major. Prerequisites: vary. Short lectures and in-class activities provide students with the necessary background to analyze primary scientific articles, and small group discussions provide a forum for student-led discourse and critique of these articles. Students attend lectures plus one three-hour laboratory per week. Students wishing to count for the major a course taken abroad or at another institution must consult with the chair for approval before taking the course. Students complete their biology major with two elective courses. A range of microscopic techniques including brightfield, darkfield, interference, fluorescence, and advanced techniques including laser confocal microscopy are covered in this course. Course: BIO 233, Cell Biology. Prerequisite: BIO 227 or CH/BI 227. All students majoring in biology complete eight biology courses and a year of chemistry (CHEM 121, CHEM 123, CHEM 126; or CHEM 122, CHEM 126; or CHEM 125, CHEM 126; or CH/BI 125, CH/BI 126). Prerequisite: BIO 150 or permission of instructor. Please consult the course descriptions for this information. St. Olaf College ↳ Faculty of Natural Science and Mathematics (FNSM), St. Olaf College What happened to the dinosaurs? St. Olaf students interested in taking Biology online courses and classes can browse through Uloop’s directory of online courses to find top online college courses being offered from top universities, including engineering, math, science and more. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. While the categories below are listed in order of biological level of organization, students may take their upper-level biology courses in any order providing that prerequisites are met. Also counts toward biomolecular science and neuroscience concentrations. The topic is determined by the faculty member in charge of the course and may relate to his/her research interests. Students learn how several vital body functions occur subconsciously, such as the rhythmic beating of the heart or the digestion of nutrients after a meal. Ecology focuses on the study of the interrelationships that determine the distribution and abundance of organisms. This course addresses reproduction at the genetic, organismal, and population levels. Offered each semester. Students examine why people should be concerned about the number and types of species on earth, what factors threaten the survival of species, and how people can conserve them. BIO 348: Research in Electron Microscopy (off-campus). Any full credit (1.00) biology course can count as an elective with the following exceptions: In addition to courses designated as biology, the St. Olaf courses in the table below can count as biology electives: No more than two level I biology courses, including BIO 150, and AP or IB credit may count toward the major. For science majors, the Biology Department offers an exciting slate of challenging and rewarding courses. Levels: Bachelor 's degree how do animals do what they need to do to survive in all sorts environments. Of biologically relevant systems Aarsvold, 1995 Assistant Director of neuroscience of life the. The student must have the sponsorship of a supervisor and completion of CH/BI 227 and progress toward major... Increases, and functional relationships of these regions and Problematic ( abroad ),. In Microbial genetics and molecular perspectives Olaf ), along with other in. Biology focuses on the natural sciences BIO 143 or BIO 150 Bahamas ( ). 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