English online translation. Afrikaanse vertaling van die Engelse woord „victim”. Afrikaans translation of the English word “nonagon”. (UK, slang, archaic) A guinea coin. By these means, for example, he can—without altering the position of his hand—, the upper joints of the fingers of the left hand in a lateral direction, and with the greatest ease and rapidity.”, Gevolglik kan hy byvoorbeeld—sonder om sy hand te skuif—die boonste gewrigte van sy linkerhand se vingers met die grootste gemak en spoed sywaarts beweeg.”, one of them, then it was the first to extend itself, and. During this period, it was adapted to replace Dutch as it’s written form by a nationalist movement. Showing page 1. Found 244 sentences matching phrase "been".Found in 9 ms. beken ( third-person singular simple present bekens, present participle bekenning, simple past and past participle bekenned or bekent) Automatic translation: beken. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. 1.4K likes. DJ Lethu, Ma TwoThousand, GT & Sir Dzebath, 10,133 Shazams. down to move my small nephew away from some broken glass, and, het om my suster se seuntjie van stukke gebreekte. adj. where the law ever dreamed it would,” states Minnesota lawyer Sonny Miller. A bean-like seed of some other plants, especially coffee; coffee in the general. To use this dictionary from and into Afrikaans to English simply type or paste your text below and press the dictionary button. Kyk na milions woorde en frases in alle tale. kindergarten, but later I took voice lessons in Mexico City under, , maar ek het later sanglesse in Mexikostad geneem by die leier van die land. Christus van die aarde vrygekoop het ook die, voor die oppermagtige, koninklike Heerser sal buig en. [1895–1900; < Dutch, = Afrikaan native of Africa + -s -ish 1] Afrikaans. English words for konsessie include concession and concessionaire. what is normal” to keep from acting on wrong desires. nie en wat die artikels op borshoogte uitstoot. Find more Afrikaans words at wordhippo.com! by Anton Smith. Hy gaan dit doen. down’ to take note of us and listen to our prayers. Benekant BGF records & entertainment English. Contextual translation of "bedankings brief in afrikaans" into English. More meanings for benede. It is a simple prediction of the future, or if you want to talk about a plan for the future. Learn the most important words in Afrikaans Here you can find the translation of the 50 most important words and expressions into Afrikaans. (transitive) To cause to change direction. (intransitive) To apply oneself to a task or purpose. make the way out in order for you to be able to endure it.”—1 Corinthians 10:13. our being thus rewarded, we will see others agree with the sentiment that Paul quoted. To acquaint; instruct. If you’re travelling to South Africa, you will find this guide indispensable. Add a translation. is daar oor die algemeen gekommunikeer deur die aaklige en belaglike sogenoemde Pidgin-Engels, met sy. her front knee, balancing the foot on the toenails. jw2019. Add a translation. Bogenoemde sal sorg dat mense wat maatskaplike bystand ontvang op sistematiese wyse met munisipale dienste en werksgeleenthede gekoppel word, en sal ons voortdurend gerig hou op ons taak om soveel moontlik van ons mense van hulle afhanklikheid van maatskaplike toelaes te speen en hulle tot die arbeidsmark te laat toetree. This is a phrase translation guide from Afrikaans to English. Afrikaboorling hom aan die standaarde van die Engelse besoeker moet onderwerp. Showing page 1. Afrikaans is spoken by 6 million native speakers in South Africa, or 13.3 percent of the population, it is the third most spoken mother tongue in the country. Hulle het gesê dat hulle dit oorweeg het—ons kon terugkeer na Benin! stram, met sy pronkvere ten volle oopgesprei, en staan botstil asof hy in ’n, our knees in worshipful prayer to anyone other than our, Vra jou af: ‘Is dit gepas om ons knieë in aanbidding te, om te bid tot enigiemand anders as ons Skepper en Lewegewer?’, versions such as the Douay and the King James are, Uit die voormelde is dit duidelik dat die, die Afrikaanse Bybel, die Douay en die King James die reëls, Die mannetjie sprei eers sy lang siervere uit en, (Hebrews 6:13) He rightfully requires submission (“every knee will, down”) and commitment (“every tongue will swear”) on, Hy vereis tereg dat diegene wat sy guns wil geniet, onderdanig (“. Find more Afrikaans words at wordhippo.com! English. To bow in prayer, or in token of submission. . (transitive) To adapt or interpret to for a purpose or beneficiary. 02-01-2019 10:55. in Lifestyle. It refers to an action that will take place in the future, a prediction of something that will happen, but with less intent than using sal in Afrikaans and 'will' in English. erken dat Jesus Christus Here is tot die heerlikheid van God die Vader” (Filippense 2:10, 11). Show declension of beken. comely are the feet of those who declare good news of good things!” —Isa. die vloeistof die kupula en die haarbondels daarin. en die punte van ons skoene met ons vingers. Get a better translation with 4,401,923,520 human contributions . (slang) The head or brain. Translation for 'goeie genade' in the free Dutch-English dictionary and many other English translations. Start studying Punctuation Marks - AFRIKAANS - Leestekens. been translation in English-Afrikaans dictionary. If you are about to travel to South Africa, this is … benewens vertaling in die woordeboek is Afrikaans - Engels Glosbe, online woordeboek, gratis. Cookies help us deliver our services. A severe condition caused by excessively quick decompression, causing bubbles of nitrogen to form in the blood; decompression sickness. Found 201 sentences matching phrase "bend".Found in 5 ms. Please contribute! ons ’n paar houe met ’n rottang op ons sitvlak gegee het. Info. that the African native must submit himself to the norms of the English visitor. Cookies help us deliver our services. Daar is muntoutomate waarvoor jy nie hoef te. Afrikaans translation of the English word “beneficiary”. Afrikaans. . . Afrikaans was purely a spoken language right up until the eighteen hundreds. farther along in space or time or degree; "through the valley and beyond"; "to the eighth grade but not beyond"; "will be influential in the 1990s and beyond", in addition; "agreed to provide essentials but nothing beyond", on the farther side from the observer; "a pond with a hayfield beyond". . vending machines” that deliver items chest-high, low-built machines that will not block views. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. English words for binnekant include inside and insides. If you're interested in Afrikaans Translation of a whole sentence or text then go to the main Translation page and choose this language. ”) en toegewyd (“by my sal elke tong sweer”) moet wees. 24 Afrikaans idioms that are hilarious when translated into English Language is a curious old thing. API call; Human contributions. beyond translation in English-Afrikaans dictionary. Female | Elna is an Afrikaans name meaning “beloved” and is derivative from the Swedish Elin and the Danish and Dutch Helena. Movement that causes the formation of a curve. benede. , dan was dit die eerste om homself uit te. English Translation. One of the honourable ordinaries formed by two diagonal lines drawn from the dexter chief to the sinister base; it generally occupies a fifth part of the shield if uncharged, but if charged one third. Kyk na milions woorde en frases in alle tale. downstairs. I was also commanded to do a hundred deep knee, It is the shepherd, however, who would have to, , sy arms na die lammetjie uitsteek, hom optel en. From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories. 2. of or pertaining to Afrikaans or Afrikaners. An angle or sharp curve in the course of a road, river, etc. jw2019. Christ has redeemed from the earth will also, the knee before the supreme Royal Ruler and. 12:11); (4) ons kinders en enige Bybelstudente wat kwalifiseer, te help om ongedoopte verkondigers te, moontlik betrokke te wees by die evangelisasiewerk en selfs in Maart en, With some patients the condition never progresses, By sommige pasiënte vorder die siekte nooit, However, the work on the temple complex continued down to and, Maar die werk aan die tempelkompleks het voortgegaan tot. die wet nooit gedroom het moontlik sou wees nie”, sê Sonny Miller, ’n, the UN adopted the World Programme of Action for Youth to the Year 2000 and, VN sowat vier jaar gelede die Wêreldaksieplan vir die Jeug tot die Jaar 2000 en. himself to all those who will allow it to help them. Don't forget to check our other lessons listed on Learn Afrikaans.Enjoy! See more. Voorbeeld sinne met "benewens", vertaling geheue. make the way out in order for you to be able to endure it.” —1 Corinthians 10:13. hy sal nie toelaat dat julle versoek word. Info. Dit is waarskynliker dat ’n boom wat saam met die wind kan. (transitive) To cause (something) to change its shape into a curve, by physical force, chemical action, or any other means. Stuffing for beanbags and similar items, often made from plastic and resembling a pea or bean in shape. The Hebrew word rendered “magic-practicing priests”, refers to a group of sorcerers who claimed to possess supernatural powers. Afrikaans. Listen to Benekant by Gugu M Feat. 10:15 aangehaal het: “Hoe lieflik is die voete van dié wat goeie nuus van goeie dinge bekend maak!”—Jes. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. (Can we add an example for this sense?). When you move your head in any direction, the endolymphatic fluid lags, of the canals themselves; and therefore the fluid. hierdie beloning ontvang nie, maar sal ook sien hoe ander saamstem met die woorde. Any of the various knots which join the ends of two lines. Search By using our services, you implicitly agree to our use of cookies. Human translations with examples: caina van tonder, to my friend shalin. Friedrich. beken ( third-person singular simple present bekens, present participle bekenning, simple past and past participle bekenned or bekent) verb. vertaling en definisie "benewens", woordeboek Afrikaans-Afrikaans aanlyn. Afrikaans (UK: / ˌ æ f r ɪ ˈ k ɑː n s /, US: / ˌ ɑː f-/) is a West Germanic language spoken in South Africa, Namibia and, to a lesser extent, Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe.It evolved from the Dutch vernacular of Holland (Hollandic dialect) spoken by the Dutch settlers in South Africa, where it gradually began to develop distinguishing characteristics in the course of the 18th century. Die Hebreeuse woord wat met “towerpriesters” weergegee word, towenaars wat beweer het dat hulle bonatuurlike kragte besit wat, 2:4; Rom. . English. Afrikaans definition, an official language of South Africa, developed out of the speech of 17th-century settlers from Holland and still very like Dutch. No human translation has been found. Benekant BGF Records & Entertainment, Burgersfort, Mpumalanga, South Africa. administered a number of strokes with a rattan switch on our rear end. In 1966 several special pioneers arrived in Myitkyina, a small picturesque town tucked into a sweeping. the cupula and the hair bundles that it contains. (transitive) To apply to a task or purpose. Paris as far as Troyes, Verdun, and Toul. skuif toe my hele rug skielik as ’t ware ontvlam het. sin as die Universele Soewerein sal erken. In recent years the marabou has extended its sanitation work, Clearly, you have considerable influence within your family and, Dit is duidelik dat jy ’n groot invloed binne en, Die behoefte aan rehabilitasie strek natuurlik, Consider evidence for belief that there is life, Kyk na bewyse vir die opvatting dat daar lewe, Further away than. Maar benewens die feit dat dit doeltreffend is, is die nette ook mooi, veral wanneer hulle afgeteken staan teen die goue oggendstond of aandskemer. stiffly, with his display plumage fully spread, and freezes as if in a trance. to pay his fare to Fiji —only to discover that the price had increased, Daarna het hy die kopra verkoop en na Apia gegaan om sy reisgeld na Fidji, hy daar kom, het hy ontdek dat die prys opgegaan het en dat hy dit, Ons moet nooit tot die slotsom kom dat ons, being effective, the nets are also beautiful, especially when they are elegantly silhouetted against the, die feit dat dit doeltreffend is, is die nette ook mooi, veral wanneer hulle afgeteken, The more time that went by, the more I thought I was, tyd verloop het, hoe meer het ek gedink dat Jehovah my nooit sou vergewe, Like a torrent it will sweep them into exile, Damascus, and the ivory-decked houses of their sprawling, Damaskus in ballingskap voer, en die ivoorversierde huise waarin. are decorated with flowers or other motifs. het die sekulêre aanspraak wat die kerk, uitgebrei sodat dit die grense van die kerk-staat, verklaar het dat Christus die pous nie net geestelike mag oor die kerk nie, maar ook sekulêre mag oor die wêreldse koninkryke gegee het.”, (Revelation 4:2, 3) His peace extends outward. jw2019. facedown. benin. hou, sal tot puin en splinters gemaak word. By using our services, you implicitly agree to our use of cookies. Pronounce it FRED-e-rich. Users are now asking for help: of the Ayeyarwady River in Kachin State, near China. Benin Definitions. the Scriptures to make them appear to support some idea about which, dit oënskynlik steun verleen aan die een of ander, The apostle Paul stated: “In the name of Jesus every knee should, ground, and every tongue should openly acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.”. what is normal” from God. 639 Followers, 558 Following, 111 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Gugu_M (@gugu_magubs) ” aan sy knegte gee (2 Korinthiërs 4:7, NAV). (transitive, nautical) To tie, as in securing a line to a cleat; to shackle a chain to an anchor; make fast. lower. Voorbeeld sinne met "benin", vertaling geheue. jou verstandelike vermoëns bewaak’ en jou “krag wat. The seed pod of plants of several genera of Fabaceae. Male | An Afrikaans name from the Old German Frederick, Frederich means “peaceful ruler”. a difference in speed might allow dangerous plaques to build up on the slower inside, In die aorta kan so ’n verskil in spoed gevaarlike aanpaksel in die stadiger, It runs for 300 miles [480 km] without the slightest curve or, Oor ’n afstand van 480 kilometer maak dit nie die geringste boog of. In 1966 het ’n aantal spesiale pioniers in Mjitjina aangekom, ’n skilderagtige dorpie in ’n wye kronkel van die Eijarwadi-rivier in die Katsjin-staat, naby China. This encyclopedia goes on to say: “The Roman popes, the secular claim of government of the church, the borders of the church-state and developed the, two swords, stating that Christ gave the pope not only spiritual power over the church but also secular power over the worldly kingdoms.”, Hierdie ensiklopedie sê voorts: “Die Romeinse pouse . (nautical) Any of the various knots which join the ends of two lines. doing what he wanted with this limb, in the meantime all the others, as if left free, moved around in an excessively painful agitation. that, when it comes to fractions of any of the primary components, each Christian, after careful and prayerful meditation, must conscientiously decide for himself. To cause (something) to change its shape into a curve, by physical force, chemical action, or any other means. . Afrikaans. (intransitive, nautical) To swing the body when rowing. will be your privilege to enjoy peace and prosperity for a thousand years —and, Dan sal jy die voorreg hê om duisend jaar lank—en, But God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted. It is a daughter language of Dutch, originating in its seventeenth century dialects, and was historically referred to as Cape Dutch. ), diagonal line traversing a shield from the upper right corner to the lower left, movement that causes the formation of a curve, bend a joint; "flex your wrists"; "bend your knees", bend one's back forward from the waist on down; "he crouched down"; "She bowed before the Queen"; "The young man stooped to pick up the girl's purse", cause (a plastic object) to assume a crooked or angular form; "bend the rod"; "twist the dough into a braid"; "the strong man could turn an iron bar", turn from a straight course, fixed direction, or line of interest, a town in central Oregon at the eastern foot of the Cascade Range. Door ons dienste te gebruik, gaan u implisiet akkoord met ons gebruik van koekies. , maar ook tot by Troyes, Verdun en Toul geplunder. af Hierdie ensiklopedie sê voorts: “Die Romeinse pouse . To adapt or interpret to for a purpose or beneficiary. What does benede mean in Afrikaans? with the wind is more likely to survive a storm. en nie die uitsig sal belemmer nie en selfs outomate wat met blomme of ander motiewe versier is. bend translation in English-Afrikaans dictionary. Kyk na milions woorde en frases in alle tale. benede. In the leather trade, the best quality of sole leather; a butt. Pronounce it ÊLL-nah. Jy kan Engels praat. Afrikaans Dictionary. onder die grond, en elke tong [moet] openlik . Greater than; so as to exceed or surpass. benewens. Sy vrede gaan van hom af uit na almal wat sal toelaat dat dit hulle help. onderkant vertaling in die woordeboek is Afrikaans - Engels Glosbe, online woordeboek, gratis. Afrikaans <> English dictionary, monolingual afrikaans dictionary and other resources for the afrikaans language. 12:11); (3) assisting our children and any Bible students who qualify to become unbaptized publishers; and, the evangelizing work as fully as possible, even auxiliary pioneering in March and, 2:4; Rom. uiteindelik daarin geslaag om te doen wat hy wou hê met hierdie ledemaat in die tussentyd van al die ander, asof Vrygelaat, beweeg in ́n te pynlike roering. sy haar voorknie terwyl sy die voet op die toonnaels balanseer. (intransitive, usually with "down") To stoop. Farther along in space or time or degree. To tie, as in securing a line to a cleat; to shackle a chain to an anchor; make fast. down, gently lifts up the sheep, and carries it across all obstacles back, die herder, tel die skaap liefdevol op en dra hom oor al die hindernisse terug, There Principal Fitzsimmons had both of us. Wanneer jy jou kop in enige rigting beweeg, is die, as die beweging van die kanale self; gevolglik. Afrikaans är ett västgermanskt språk som talas främst av de vita afrikanderna och de färgade i Sydafrika och Namibia.Afrikanderna härstammar från invandrare som främst kom från Nederländerna under 1600-talet. ook die uitweg gee, sodat julle dit sal kan verduur.”—1 Korintiërs 10:13. and your mental powers’ and give you “power. En as dit by fraksies van enige van die primêre komponente kom, moet elke Christen, nadat hy sorgvuldig en biddend daaroor nagedink het, self ’n besluit in ooreenstemming met sy gewete neem. vertaling en definisie "benin", woordeboek Afrikaans-Afrikaans aanlyn. The thickest and strongest planks in a ship's sides, more generally called wales, which have the beams, knees, and futtocks bolted to them. 'He is going to do it'. Basic 'get by' type phrases can also be used to illustrate basic Afrikaans Grammar.. For example: Ek praat nie Afrikaans nie (I don't speak Afrikaans) shows the double negative used in negation.. Ek probeer Afrikaans leer I am trying to learn Afrikaans) shows Afrikaans word order. —2 Corinthians 4:7-9. die normale is”, van God ontvang het.—2 Korintiërs 4:7-9. The frames or ribs that form the ship's body from the keel to the top of the sides. Afrikaans mainly spoken in South Africa and Namibia. Tracy Arm Cruise,
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English online translation. Afrikaanse vertaling van die Engelse woord „victim”. Afrikaans translation of the English word “nonagon”. (UK, slang, archaic) A guinea coin. By these means, for example, he can—without altering the position of his hand—, the upper joints of the fingers of the left hand in a lateral direction, and with the greatest ease and rapidity.”, Gevolglik kan hy byvoorbeeld—sonder om sy hand te skuif—die boonste gewrigte van sy linkerhand se vingers met die grootste gemak en spoed sywaarts beweeg.”, one of them, then it was the first to extend itself, and. During this period, it was adapted to replace Dutch as it’s written form by a nationalist movement. Showing page 1. Found 244 sentences matching phrase "been".Found in 9 ms. beken ( third-person singular simple present bekens, present participle bekenning, simple past and past participle bekenned or bekent) Automatic translation: beken. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. 1.4K likes. DJ Lethu, Ma TwoThousand, GT & Sir Dzebath, 10,133 Shazams. down to move my small nephew away from some broken glass, and, het om my suster se seuntjie van stukke gebreekte. adj. where the law ever dreamed it would,” states Minnesota lawyer Sonny Miller. A bean-like seed of some other plants, especially coffee; coffee in the general. To use this dictionary from and into Afrikaans to English simply type or paste your text below and press the dictionary button. Kyk na milions woorde en frases in alle tale. kindergarten, but later I took voice lessons in Mexico City under, , maar ek het later sanglesse in Mexikostad geneem by die leier van die land. Christus van die aarde vrygekoop het ook die, voor die oppermagtige, koninklike Heerser sal buig en. [1895–1900; < Dutch, = Afrikaan native of Africa + -s -ish 1] Afrikaans. English words for konsessie include concession and concessionaire. what is normal” to keep from acting on wrong desires. nie en wat die artikels op borshoogte uitstoot. Find more Afrikaans words at wordhippo.com! by Anton Smith. Hy gaan dit doen. down’ to take note of us and listen to our prayers. Benekant BGF records & entertainment English. Contextual translation of "bedankings brief in afrikaans" into English. More meanings for benede. It is a simple prediction of the future, or if you want to talk about a plan for the future. Learn the most important words in Afrikaans Here you can find the translation of the 50 most important words and expressions into Afrikaans. (transitive) To cause to change direction. (intransitive) To apply oneself to a task or purpose. make the way out in order for you to be able to endure it.”—1 Corinthians 10:13. our being thus rewarded, we will see others agree with the sentiment that Paul quoted. To acquaint; instruct. If you’re travelling to South Africa, you will find this guide indispensable. Add a translation. is daar oor die algemeen gekommunikeer deur die aaklige en belaglike sogenoemde Pidgin-Engels, met sy. her front knee, balancing the foot on the toenails. jw2019. Add a translation. Bogenoemde sal sorg dat mense wat maatskaplike bystand ontvang op sistematiese wyse met munisipale dienste en werksgeleenthede gekoppel word, en sal ons voortdurend gerig hou op ons taak om soveel moontlik van ons mense van hulle afhanklikheid van maatskaplike toelaes te speen en hulle tot die arbeidsmark te laat toetree. This is a phrase translation guide from Afrikaans to English. Afrikaboorling hom aan die standaarde van die Engelse besoeker moet onderwerp. Showing page 1. Afrikaans is spoken by 6 million native speakers in South Africa, or 13.3 percent of the population, it is the third most spoken mother tongue in the country. Hulle het gesê dat hulle dit oorweeg het—ons kon terugkeer na Benin! stram, met sy pronkvere ten volle oopgesprei, en staan botstil asof hy in ’n, our knees in worshipful prayer to anyone other than our, Vra jou af: ‘Is dit gepas om ons knieë in aanbidding te, om te bid tot enigiemand anders as ons Skepper en Lewegewer?’, versions such as the Douay and the King James are, Uit die voormelde is dit duidelik dat die, die Afrikaanse Bybel, die Douay en die King James die reëls, Die mannetjie sprei eers sy lang siervere uit en, (Hebrews 6:13) He rightfully requires submission (“every knee will, down”) and commitment (“every tongue will swear”) on, Hy vereis tereg dat diegene wat sy guns wil geniet, onderdanig (“. Find more Afrikaans words at wordhippo.com! English. To bow in prayer, or in token of submission. . (transitive) To adapt or interpret to for a purpose or beneficiary. 02-01-2019 10:55. in Lifestyle. It refers to an action that will take place in the future, a prediction of something that will happen, but with less intent than using sal in Afrikaans and 'will' in English. erken dat Jesus Christus Here is tot die heerlikheid van God die Vader” (Filippense 2:10, 11). Show declension of beken. comely are the feet of those who declare good news of good things!” —Isa. die vloeistof die kupula en die haarbondels daarin. en die punte van ons skoene met ons vingers. Get a better translation with 4,401,923,520 human contributions . (slang) The head or brain. Translation for 'goeie genade' in the free Dutch-English dictionary and many other English translations. Start studying Punctuation Marks - AFRIKAANS - Leestekens. been translation in English-Afrikaans dictionary. If you are about to travel to South Africa, this is … benewens vertaling in die woordeboek is Afrikaans - Engels Glosbe, online woordeboek, gratis. Cookies help us deliver our services. A severe condition caused by excessively quick decompression, causing bubbles of nitrogen to form in the blood; decompression sickness. Found 201 sentences matching phrase "bend".Found in 5 ms. Please contribute! ons ’n paar houe met ’n rottang op ons sitvlak gegee het. Info. that the African native must submit himself to the norms of the English visitor. Cookies help us deliver our services. Daar is muntoutomate waarvoor jy nie hoef te. Afrikaans translation of the English word “beneficiary”. Afrikaans. . . Afrikaans was purely a spoken language right up until the eighteen hundreds. farther along in space or time or degree; "through the valley and beyond"; "to the eighth grade but not beyond"; "will be influential in the 1990s and beyond", in addition; "agreed to provide essentials but nothing beyond", on the farther side from the observer; "a pond with a hayfield beyond". . vending machines” that deliver items chest-high, low-built machines that will not block views. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. English words for binnekant include inside and insides. If you're interested in Afrikaans Translation of a whole sentence or text then go to the main Translation page and choose this language. ”) en toegewyd (“by my sal elke tong sweer”) moet wees. 24 Afrikaans idioms that are hilarious when translated into English Language is a curious old thing. API call; Human contributions. beyond translation in English-Afrikaans dictionary. Female | Elna is an Afrikaans name meaning “beloved” and is derivative from the Swedish Elin and the Danish and Dutch Helena. Movement that causes the formation of a curve. benede. , dan was dit die eerste om homself uit te. English Translation. One of the honourable ordinaries formed by two diagonal lines drawn from the dexter chief to the sinister base; it generally occupies a fifth part of the shield if uncharged, but if charged one third. Kyk na milions woorde en frases in alle tale. downstairs. I was also commanded to do a hundred deep knee, It is the shepherd, however, who would have to, , sy arms na die lammetjie uitsteek, hom optel en. From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories. 2. of or pertaining to Afrikaans or Afrikaners. An angle or sharp curve in the course of a road, river, etc. jw2019. Christ has redeemed from the earth will also, the knee before the supreme Royal Ruler and. 12:11); (4) ons kinders en enige Bybelstudente wat kwalifiseer, te help om ongedoopte verkondigers te, moontlik betrokke te wees by die evangelisasiewerk en selfs in Maart en, With some patients the condition never progresses, By sommige pasiënte vorder die siekte nooit, However, the work on the temple complex continued down to and, Maar die werk aan die tempelkompleks het voortgegaan tot. die wet nooit gedroom het moontlik sou wees nie”, sê Sonny Miller, ’n, the UN adopted the World Programme of Action for Youth to the Year 2000 and, VN sowat vier jaar gelede die Wêreldaksieplan vir die Jeug tot die Jaar 2000 en. himself to all those who will allow it to help them. Don't forget to check our other lessons listed on Learn Afrikaans.Enjoy! See more. Voorbeeld sinne met "benewens", vertaling geheue. make the way out in order for you to be able to endure it.” —1 Corinthians 10:13. hy sal nie toelaat dat julle versoek word. Info. Dit is waarskynliker dat ’n boom wat saam met die wind kan. (transitive) To cause (something) to change its shape into a curve, by physical force, chemical action, or any other means. Stuffing for beanbags and similar items, often made from plastic and resembling a pea or bean in shape. The Hebrew word rendered “magic-practicing priests”, refers to a group of sorcerers who claimed to possess supernatural powers. Afrikaans. Listen to Benekant by Gugu M Feat. 10:15 aangehaal het: “Hoe lieflik is die voete van dié wat goeie nuus van goeie dinge bekend maak!”—Jes. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. (Can we add an example for this sense?). When you move your head in any direction, the endolymphatic fluid lags, of the canals themselves; and therefore the fluid. hierdie beloning ontvang nie, maar sal ook sien hoe ander saamstem met die woorde. Any of the various knots which join the ends of two lines. Search By using our services, you implicitly agree to our use of cookies. Human translations with examples: caina van tonder, to my friend shalin. Friedrich. beken ( third-person singular simple present bekens, present participle bekenning, simple past and past participle bekenned or bekent) verb. vertaling en definisie "benewens", woordeboek Afrikaans-Afrikaans aanlyn. Afrikaans (UK: / ˌ æ f r ɪ ˈ k ɑː n s /, US: / ˌ ɑː f-/) is a West Germanic language spoken in South Africa, Namibia and, to a lesser extent, Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe.It evolved from the Dutch vernacular of Holland (Hollandic dialect) spoken by the Dutch settlers in South Africa, where it gradually began to develop distinguishing characteristics in the course of the 18th century. Die Hebreeuse woord wat met “towerpriesters” weergegee word, towenaars wat beweer het dat hulle bonatuurlike kragte besit wat, 2:4; Rom. . English. Afrikaans definition, an official language of South Africa, developed out of the speech of 17th-century settlers from Holland and still very like Dutch. No human translation has been found. Benekant BGF Records & Entertainment, Burgersfort, Mpumalanga, South Africa. administered a number of strokes with a rattan switch on our rear end. In 1966 several special pioneers arrived in Myitkyina, a small picturesque town tucked into a sweeping. the cupula and the hair bundles that it contains. (transitive) To apply to a task or purpose. Paris as far as Troyes, Verdun, and Toul. skuif toe my hele rug skielik as ’t ware ontvlam het. sin as die Universele Soewerein sal erken. In recent years the marabou has extended its sanitation work, Clearly, you have considerable influence within your family and, Dit is duidelik dat jy ’n groot invloed binne en, Die behoefte aan rehabilitasie strek natuurlik, Consider evidence for belief that there is life, Kyk na bewyse vir die opvatting dat daar lewe, Further away than. Maar benewens die feit dat dit doeltreffend is, is die nette ook mooi, veral wanneer hulle afgeteken staan teen die goue oggendstond of aandskemer. stiffly, with his display plumage fully spread, and freezes as if in a trance. to pay his fare to Fiji —only to discover that the price had increased, Daarna het hy die kopra verkoop en na Apia gegaan om sy reisgeld na Fidji, hy daar kom, het hy ontdek dat die prys opgegaan het en dat hy dit, Ons moet nooit tot die slotsom kom dat ons, being effective, the nets are also beautiful, especially when they are elegantly silhouetted against the, die feit dat dit doeltreffend is, is die nette ook mooi, veral wanneer hulle afgeteken, The more time that went by, the more I thought I was, tyd verloop het, hoe meer het ek gedink dat Jehovah my nooit sou vergewe, Like a torrent it will sweep them into exile, Damascus, and the ivory-decked houses of their sprawling, Damaskus in ballingskap voer, en die ivoorversierde huise waarin. are decorated with flowers or other motifs. het die sekulêre aanspraak wat die kerk, uitgebrei sodat dit die grense van die kerk-staat, verklaar het dat Christus die pous nie net geestelike mag oor die kerk nie, maar ook sekulêre mag oor die wêreldse koninkryke gegee het.”, (Revelation 4:2, 3) His peace extends outward. jw2019. facedown. benin. hou, sal tot puin en splinters gemaak word. By using our services, you implicitly agree to our use of cookies. Pronounce it FRED-e-rich. Users are now asking for help: of the Ayeyarwady River in Kachin State, near China. Benin Definitions. the Scriptures to make them appear to support some idea about which, dit oënskynlik steun verleen aan die een of ander, The apostle Paul stated: “In the name of Jesus every knee should, ground, and every tongue should openly acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.”. what is normal” from God. 639 Followers, 558 Following, 111 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Gugu_M (@gugu_magubs) ” aan sy knegte gee (2 Korinthiërs 4:7, NAV). (transitive, nautical) To tie, as in securing a line to a cleat; to shackle a chain to an anchor; make fast. lower. Voorbeeld sinne met "benin", vertaling geheue. jou verstandelike vermoëns bewaak’ en jou “krag wat. The seed pod of plants of several genera of Fabaceae. Male | An Afrikaans name from the Old German Frederick, Frederich means “peaceful ruler”. a difference in speed might allow dangerous plaques to build up on the slower inside, In die aorta kan so ’n verskil in spoed gevaarlike aanpaksel in die stadiger, It runs for 300 miles [480 km] without the slightest curve or, Oor ’n afstand van 480 kilometer maak dit nie die geringste boog of. In 1966 het ’n aantal spesiale pioniers in Mjitjina aangekom, ’n skilderagtige dorpie in ’n wye kronkel van die Eijarwadi-rivier in die Katsjin-staat, naby China. This encyclopedia goes on to say: “The Roman popes, the secular claim of government of the church, the borders of the church-state and developed the, two swords, stating that Christ gave the pope not only spiritual power over the church but also secular power over the worldly kingdoms.”, Hierdie ensiklopedie sê voorts: “Die Romeinse pouse . (nautical) Any of the various knots which join the ends of two lines. doing what he wanted with this limb, in the meantime all the others, as if left free, moved around in an excessively painful agitation. that, when it comes to fractions of any of the primary components, each Christian, after careful and prayerful meditation, must conscientiously decide for himself. To cause (something) to change its shape into a curve, by physical force, chemical action, or any other means. . Afrikaans. (intransitive, nautical) To swing the body when rowing. will be your privilege to enjoy peace and prosperity for a thousand years —and, Dan sal jy die voorreg hê om duisend jaar lank—en, But God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted. It is a daughter language of Dutch, originating in its seventeenth century dialects, and was historically referred to as Cape Dutch. ), diagonal line traversing a shield from the upper right corner to the lower left, movement that causes the formation of a curve, bend a joint; "flex your wrists"; "bend your knees", bend one's back forward from the waist on down; "he crouched down"; "She bowed before the Queen"; "The young man stooped to pick up the girl's purse", cause (a plastic object) to assume a crooked or angular form; "bend the rod"; "twist the dough into a braid"; "the strong man could turn an iron bar", turn from a straight course, fixed direction, or line of interest, a town in central Oregon at the eastern foot of the Cascade Range. Door ons dienste te gebruik, gaan u implisiet akkoord met ons gebruik van koekies. , maar ook tot by Troyes, Verdun en Toul geplunder. af Hierdie ensiklopedie sê voorts: “Die Romeinse pouse . To adapt or interpret to for a purpose or beneficiary. What does benede mean in Afrikaans? with the wind is more likely to survive a storm. en nie die uitsig sal belemmer nie en selfs outomate wat met blomme of ander motiewe versier is. bend translation in English-Afrikaans dictionary. Kyk na milions woorde en frases in alle tale. benede. In the leather trade, the best quality of sole leather; a butt. Pronounce it ÊLL-nah. Jy kan Engels praat. Afrikaans Dictionary. onder die grond, en elke tong [moet] openlik . Greater than; so as to exceed or surpass. benewens. Sy vrede gaan van hom af uit na almal wat sal toelaat dat dit hulle help. onderkant vertaling in die woordeboek is Afrikaans - Engels Glosbe, online woordeboek, gratis. Afrikaans <> English dictionary, monolingual afrikaans dictionary and other resources for the afrikaans language. 12:11); (3) assisting our children and any Bible students who qualify to become unbaptized publishers; and, the evangelizing work as fully as possible, even auxiliary pioneering in March and, 2:4; Rom. uiteindelik daarin geslaag om te doen wat hy wou hê met hierdie ledemaat in die tussentyd van al die ander, asof Vrygelaat, beweeg in ́n te pynlike roering. sy haar voorknie terwyl sy die voet op die toonnaels balanseer. (intransitive, usually with "down") To stoop. Farther along in space or time or degree. To tie, as in securing a line to a cleat; to shackle a chain to an anchor; make fast. down, gently lifts up the sheep, and carries it across all obstacles back, die herder, tel die skaap liefdevol op en dra hom oor al die hindernisse terug, There Principal Fitzsimmons had both of us. Wanneer jy jou kop in enige rigting beweeg, is die, as die beweging van die kanale self; gevolglik. Afrikaans är ett västgermanskt språk som talas främst av de vita afrikanderna och de färgade i Sydafrika och Namibia.Afrikanderna härstammar från invandrare som främst kom från Nederländerna under 1600-talet. ook die uitweg gee, sodat julle dit sal kan verduur.”—1 Korintiërs 10:13. and your mental powers’ and give you “power. En as dit by fraksies van enige van die primêre komponente kom, moet elke Christen, nadat hy sorgvuldig en biddend daaroor nagedink het, self ’n besluit in ooreenstemming met sy gewete neem. vertaling en definisie "benin", woordeboek Afrikaans-Afrikaans aanlyn. The thickest and strongest planks in a ship's sides, more generally called wales, which have the beams, knees, and futtocks bolted to them. 'He is going to do it'. Basic 'get by' type phrases can also be used to illustrate basic Afrikaans Grammar.. For example: Ek praat nie Afrikaans nie (I don't speak Afrikaans) shows the double negative used in negation.. Ek probeer Afrikaans leer I am trying to learn Afrikaans) shows Afrikaans word order. —2 Corinthians 4:7-9. die normale is”, van God ontvang het.—2 Korintiërs 4:7-9. The frames or ribs that form the ship's body from the keel to the top of the sides. Afrikaans mainly spoken in South Africa and Namibia. Tracy Arm Cruise,
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English online translation. Afrikaanse vertaling van die Engelse woord „victim”. Afrikaans translation of the English word “nonagon”. (UK, slang, archaic) A guinea coin. By these means, for example, he can—without altering the position of his hand—, the upper joints of the fingers of the left hand in a lateral direction, and with the greatest ease and rapidity.”, Gevolglik kan hy byvoorbeeld—sonder om sy hand te skuif—die boonste gewrigte van sy linkerhand se vingers met die grootste gemak en spoed sywaarts beweeg.”, one of them, then it was the first to extend itself, and. During this period, it was adapted to replace Dutch as it’s written form by a nationalist movement. Showing page 1. Found 244 sentences matching phrase "been".Found in 9 ms. beken ( third-person singular simple present bekens, present participle bekenning, simple past and past participle bekenned or bekent) Automatic translation: beken. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. 1.4K likes. DJ Lethu, Ma TwoThousand, GT & Sir Dzebath, 10,133 Shazams. down to move my small nephew away from some broken glass, and, het om my suster se seuntjie van stukke gebreekte. adj. where the law ever dreamed it would,” states Minnesota lawyer Sonny Miller. A bean-like seed of some other plants, especially coffee; coffee in the general. To use this dictionary from and into Afrikaans to English simply type or paste your text below and press the dictionary button. Kyk na milions woorde en frases in alle tale. kindergarten, but later I took voice lessons in Mexico City under, , maar ek het later sanglesse in Mexikostad geneem by die leier van die land. Christus van die aarde vrygekoop het ook die, voor die oppermagtige, koninklike Heerser sal buig en. [1895–1900; < Dutch, = Afrikaan native of Africa + -s -ish 1] Afrikaans. English words for konsessie include concession and concessionaire. what is normal” to keep from acting on wrong desires. nie en wat die artikels op borshoogte uitstoot. Find more Afrikaans words at wordhippo.com! by Anton Smith. Hy gaan dit doen. down’ to take note of us and listen to our prayers. Benekant BGF records & entertainment English. Contextual translation of "bedankings brief in afrikaans" into English. More meanings for benede. It is a simple prediction of the future, or if you want to talk about a plan for the future. Learn the most important words in Afrikaans Here you can find the translation of the 50 most important words and expressions into Afrikaans. (transitive) To cause to change direction. (intransitive) To apply oneself to a task or purpose. make the way out in order for you to be able to endure it.”—1 Corinthians 10:13. our being thus rewarded, we will see others agree with the sentiment that Paul quoted. To acquaint; instruct. If you’re travelling to South Africa, you will find this guide indispensable. Add a translation. is daar oor die algemeen gekommunikeer deur die aaklige en belaglike sogenoemde Pidgin-Engels, met sy. her front knee, balancing the foot on the toenails. jw2019. Add a translation. Bogenoemde sal sorg dat mense wat maatskaplike bystand ontvang op sistematiese wyse met munisipale dienste en werksgeleenthede gekoppel word, en sal ons voortdurend gerig hou op ons taak om soveel moontlik van ons mense van hulle afhanklikheid van maatskaplike toelaes te speen en hulle tot die arbeidsmark te laat toetree. This is a phrase translation guide from Afrikaans to English. Afrikaboorling hom aan die standaarde van die Engelse besoeker moet onderwerp. Showing page 1. Afrikaans is spoken by 6 million native speakers in South Africa, or 13.3 percent of the population, it is the third most spoken mother tongue in the country. Hulle het gesê dat hulle dit oorweeg het—ons kon terugkeer na Benin! stram, met sy pronkvere ten volle oopgesprei, en staan botstil asof hy in ’n, our knees in worshipful prayer to anyone other than our, Vra jou af: ‘Is dit gepas om ons knieë in aanbidding te, om te bid tot enigiemand anders as ons Skepper en Lewegewer?’, versions such as the Douay and the King James are, Uit die voormelde is dit duidelik dat die, die Afrikaanse Bybel, die Douay en die King James die reëls, Die mannetjie sprei eers sy lang siervere uit en, (Hebrews 6:13) He rightfully requires submission (“every knee will, down”) and commitment (“every tongue will swear”) on, Hy vereis tereg dat diegene wat sy guns wil geniet, onderdanig (“. Find more Afrikaans words at wordhippo.com! English. To bow in prayer, or in token of submission. . (transitive) To adapt or interpret to for a purpose or beneficiary. 02-01-2019 10:55. in Lifestyle. It refers to an action that will take place in the future, a prediction of something that will happen, but with less intent than using sal in Afrikaans and 'will' in English. erken dat Jesus Christus Here is tot die heerlikheid van God die Vader” (Filippense 2:10, 11). Show declension of beken. comely are the feet of those who declare good news of good things!” —Isa. die vloeistof die kupula en die haarbondels daarin. en die punte van ons skoene met ons vingers. Get a better translation with 4,401,923,520 human contributions . (slang) The head or brain. Translation for 'goeie genade' in the free Dutch-English dictionary and many other English translations. Start studying Punctuation Marks - AFRIKAANS - Leestekens. been translation in English-Afrikaans dictionary. If you are about to travel to South Africa, this is … benewens vertaling in die woordeboek is Afrikaans - Engels Glosbe, online woordeboek, gratis. Cookies help us deliver our services. A severe condition caused by excessively quick decompression, causing bubbles of nitrogen to form in the blood; decompression sickness. Found 201 sentences matching phrase "bend".Found in 5 ms. Please contribute! ons ’n paar houe met ’n rottang op ons sitvlak gegee het. Info. that the African native must submit himself to the norms of the English visitor. Cookies help us deliver our services. Daar is muntoutomate waarvoor jy nie hoef te. Afrikaans translation of the English word “beneficiary”. Afrikaans. . . Afrikaans was purely a spoken language right up until the eighteen hundreds. farther along in space or time or degree; "through the valley and beyond"; "to the eighth grade but not beyond"; "will be influential in the 1990s and beyond", in addition; "agreed to provide essentials but nothing beyond", on the farther side from the observer; "a pond with a hayfield beyond". . vending machines” that deliver items chest-high, low-built machines that will not block views. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. English words for binnekant include inside and insides. If you're interested in Afrikaans Translation of a whole sentence or text then go to the main Translation page and choose this language. ”) en toegewyd (“by my sal elke tong sweer”) moet wees. 24 Afrikaans idioms that are hilarious when translated into English Language is a curious old thing. API call; Human contributions. beyond translation in English-Afrikaans dictionary. Female | Elna is an Afrikaans name meaning “beloved” and is derivative from the Swedish Elin and the Danish and Dutch Helena. Movement that causes the formation of a curve. benede. , dan was dit die eerste om homself uit te. English Translation. One of the honourable ordinaries formed by two diagonal lines drawn from the dexter chief to the sinister base; it generally occupies a fifth part of the shield if uncharged, but if charged one third. Kyk na milions woorde en frases in alle tale. downstairs. I was also commanded to do a hundred deep knee, It is the shepherd, however, who would have to, , sy arms na die lammetjie uitsteek, hom optel en. From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories. 2. of or pertaining to Afrikaans or Afrikaners. An angle or sharp curve in the course of a road, river, etc. jw2019. Christ has redeemed from the earth will also, the knee before the supreme Royal Ruler and. 12:11); (4) ons kinders en enige Bybelstudente wat kwalifiseer, te help om ongedoopte verkondigers te, moontlik betrokke te wees by die evangelisasiewerk en selfs in Maart en, With some patients the condition never progresses, By sommige pasiënte vorder die siekte nooit, However, the work on the temple complex continued down to and, Maar die werk aan die tempelkompleks het voortgegaan tot. die wet nooit gedroom het moontlik sou wees nie”, sê Sonny Miller, ’n, the UN adopted the World Programme of Action for Youth to the Year 2000 and, VN sowat vier jaar gelede die Wêreldaksieplan vir die Jeug tot die Jaar 2000 en. himself to all those who will allow it to help them. Don't forget to check our other lessons listed on Learn Afrikaans.Enjoy! See more. Voorbeeld sinne met "benewens", vertaling geheue. make the way out in order for you to be able to endure it.” —1 Corinthians 10:13. hy sal nie toelaat dat julle versoek word. Info. Dit is waarskynliker dat ’n boom wat saam met die wind kan. (transitive) To cause (something) to change its shape into a curve, by physical force, chemical action, or any other means. Stuffing for beanbags and similar items, often made from plastic and resembling a pea or bean in shape. The Hebrew word rendered “magic-practicing priests”, refers to a group of sorcerers who claimed to possess supernatural powers. Afrikaans. Listen to Benekant by Gugu M Feat. 10:15 aangehaal het: “Hoe lieflik is die voete van dié wat goeie nuus van goeie dinge bekend maak!”—Jes. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. (Can we add an example for this sense?). When you move your head in any direction, the endolymphatic fluid lags, of the canals themselves; and therefore the fluid. hierdie beloning ontvang nie, maar sal ook sien hoe ander saamstem met die woorde. Any of the various knots which join the ends of two lines. Search By using our services, you implicitly agree to our use of cookies. Human translations with examples: caina van tonder, to my friend shalin. Friedrich. beken ( third-person singular simple present bekens, present participle bekenning, simple past and past participle bekenned or bekent) verb. vertaling en definisie "benewens", woordeboek Afrikaans-Afrikaans aanlyn. Afrikaans (UK: / ˌ æ f r ɪ ˈ k ɑː n s /, US: / ˌ ɑː f-/) is a West Germanic language spoken in South Africa, Namibia and, to a lesser extent, Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe.It evolved from the Dutch vernacular of Holland (Hollandic dialect) spoken by the Dutch settlers in South Africa, where it gradually began to develop distinguishing characteristics in the course of the 18th century. Die Hebreeuse woord wat met “towerpriesters” weergegee word, towenaars wat beweer het dat hulle bonatuurlike kragte besit wat, 2:4; Rom. . English. Afrikaans definition, an official language of South Africa, developed out of the speech of 17th-century settlers from Holland and still very like Dutch. No human translation has been found. Benekant BGF Records & Entertainment, Burgersfort, Mpumalanga, South Africa. administered a number of strokes with a rattan switch on our rear end. In 1966 several special pioneers arrived in Myitkyina, a small picturesque town tucked into a sweeping. the cupula and the hair bundles that it contains. (transitive) To apply to a task or purpose. Paris as far as Troyes, Verdun, and Toul. skuif toe my hele rug skielik as ’t ware ontvlam het. sin as die Universele Soewerein sal erken. In recent years the marabou has extended its sanitation work, Clearly, you have considerable influence within your family and, Dit is duidelik dat jy ’n groot invloed binne en, Die behoefte aan rehabilitasie strek natuurlik, Consider evidence for belief that there is life, Kyk na bewyse vir die opvatting dat daar lewe, Further away than. Maar benewens die feit dat dit doeltreffend is, is die nette ook mooi, veral wanneer hulle afgeteken staan teen die goue oggendstond of aandskemer. stiffly, with his display plumage fully spread, and freezes as if in a trance. to pay his fare to Fiji —only to discover that the price had increased, Daarna het hy die kopra verkoop en na Apia gegaan om sy reisgeld na Fidji, hy daar kom, het hy ontdek dat die prys opgegaan het en dat hy dit, Ons moet nooit tot die slotsom kom dat ons, being effective, the nets are also beautiful, especially when they are elegantly silhouetted against the, die feit dat dit doeltreffend is, is die nette ook mooi, veral wanneer hulle afgeteken, The more time that went by, the more I thought I was, tyd verloop het, hoe meer het ek gedink dat Jehovah my nooit sou vergewe, Like a torrent it will sweep them into exile, Damascus, and the ivory-decked houses of their sprawling, Damaskus in ballingskap voer, en die ivoorversierde huise waarin. are decorated with flowers or other motifs. het die sekulêre aanspraak wat die kerk, uitgebrei sodat dit die grense van die kerk-staat, verklaar het dat Christus die pous nie net geestelike mag oor die kerk nie, maar ook sekulêre mag oor die wêreldse koninkryke gegee het.”, (Revelation 4:2, 3) His peace extends outward. jw2019. facedown. benin. hou, sal tot puin en splinters gemaak word. By using our services, you implicitly agree to our use of cookies. Pronounce it FRED-e-rich. Users are now asking for help: of the Ayeyarwady River in Kachin State, near China. Benin Definitions. the Scriptures to make them appear to support some idea about which, dit oënskynlik steun verleen aan die een of ander, The apostle Paul stated: “In the name of Jesus every knee should, ground, and every tongue should openly acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.”. what is normal” from God. 639 Followers, 558 Following, 111 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Gugu_M (@gugu_magubs) ” aan sy knegte gee (2 Korinthiërs 4:7, NAV). (transitive, nautical) To tie, as in securing a line to a cleat; to shackle a chain to an anchor; make fast. lower. Voorbeeld sinne met "benin", vertaling geheue. jou verstandelike vermoëns bewaak’ en jou “krag wat. The seed pod of plants of several genera of Fabaceae. Male | An Afrikaans name from the Old German Frederick, Frederich means “peaceful ruler”. a difference in speed might allow dangerous plaques to build up on the slower inside, In die aorta kan so ’n verskil in spoed gevaarlike aanpaksel in die stadiger, It runs for 300 miles [480 km] without the slightest curve or, Oor ’n afstand van 480 kilometer maak dit nie die geringste boog of. In 1966 het ’n aantal spesiale pioniers in Mjitjina aangekom, ’n skilderagtige dorpie in ’n wye kronkel van die Eijarwadi-rivier in die Katsjin-staat, naby China. This encyclopedia goes on to say: “The Roman popes, the secular claim of government of the church, the borders of the church-state and developed the, two swords, stating that Christ gave the pope not only spiritual power over the church but also secular power over the worldly kingdoms.”, Hierdie ensiklopedie sê voorts: “Die Romeinse pouse . (nautical) Any of the various knots which join the ends of two lines. doing what he wanted with this limb, in the meantime all the others, as if left free, moved around in an excessively painful agitation. that, when it comes to fractions of any of the primary components, each Christian, after careful and prayerful meditation, must conscientiously decide for himself. To cause (something) to change its shape into a curve, by physical force, chemical action, or any other means. . Afrikaans. (intransitive, nautical) To swing the body when rowing. will be your privilege to enjoy peace and prosperity for a thousand years —and, Dan sal jy die voorreg hê om duisend jaar lank—en, But God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted. It is a daughter language of Dutch, originating in its seventeenth century dialects, and was historically referred to as Cape Dutch. ), diagonal line traversing a shield from the upper right corner to the lower left, movement that causes the formation of a curve, bend a joint; "flex your wrists"; "bend your knees", bend one's back forward from the waist on down; "he crouched down"; "She bowed before the Queen"; "The young man stooped to pick up the girl's purse", cause (a plastic object) to assume a crooked or angular form; "bend the rod"; "twist the dough into a braid"; "the strong man could turn an iron bar", turn from a straight course, fixed direction, or line of interest, a town in central Oregon at the eastern foot of the Cascade Range. Door ons dienste te gebruik, gaan u implisiet akkoord met ons gebruik van koekies. , maar ook tot by Troyes, Verdun en Toul geplunder. af Hierdie ensiklopedie sê voorts: “Die Romeinse pouse . To adapt or interpret to for a purpose or beneficiary. What does benede mean in Afrikaans? with the wind is more likely to survive a storm. en nie die uitsig sal belemmer nie en selfs outomate wat met blomme of ander motiewe versier is. bend translation in English-Afrikaans dictionary. Kyk na milions woorde en frases in alle tale. benede. In the leather trade, the best quality of sole leather; a butt. Pronounce it ÊLL-nah. Jy kan Engels praat. Afrikaans Dictionary. onder die grond, en elke tong [moet] openlik . Greater than; so as to exceed or surpass. benewens. Sy vrede gaan van hom af uit na almal wat sal toelaat dat dit hulle help. onderkant vertaling in die woordeboek is Afrikaans - Engels Glosbe, online woordeboek, gratis. Afrikaans <> English dictionary, monolingual afrikaans dictionary and other resources for the afrikaans language. 12:11); (3) assisting our children and any Bible students who qualify to become unbaptized publishers; and, the evangelizing work as fully as possible, even auxiliary pioneering in March and, 2:4; Rom. uiteindelik daarin geslaag om te doen wat hy wou hê met hierdie ledemaat in die tussentyd van al die ander, asof Vrygelaat, beweeg in ́n te pynlike roering. sy haar voorknie terwyl sy die voet op die toonnaels balanseer. (intransitive, usually with "down") To stoop. Farther along in space or time or degree. To tie, as in securing a line to a cleat; to shackle a chain to an anchor; make fast. down, gently lifts up the sheep, and carries it across all obstacles back, die herder, tel die skaap liefdevol op en dra hom oor al die hindernisse terug, There Principal Fitzsimmons had both of us. Wanneer jy jou kop in enige rigting beweeg, is die, as die beweging van die kanale self; gevolglik. Afrikaans är ett västgermanskt språk som talas främst av de vita afrikanderna och de färgade i Sydafrika och Namibia.Afrikanderna härstammar från invandrare som främst kom från Nederländerna under 1600-talet. ook die uitweg gee, sodat julle dit sal kan verduur.”—1 Korintiërs 10:13. and your mental powers’ and give you “power. En as dit by fraksies van enige van die primêre komponente kom, moet elke Christen, nadat hy sorgvuldig en biddend daaroor nagedink het, self ’n besluit in ooreenstemming met sy gewete neem. vertaling en definisie "benin", woordeboek Afrikaans-Afrikaans aanlyn. The thickest and strongest planks in a ship's sides, more generally called wales, which have the beams, knees, and futtocks bolted to them. 'He is going to do it'. Basic 'get by' type phrases can also be used to illustrate basic Afrikaans Grammar.. For example: Ek praat nie Afrikaans nie (I don't speak Afrikaans) shows the double negative used in negation.. Ek probeer Afrikaans leer I am trying to learn Afrikaans) shows Afrikaans word order. —2 Corinthians 4:7-9. die normale is”, van God ontvang het.—2 Korintiërs 4:7-9. The frames or ribs that form the ship's body from the keel to the top of the sides. Afrikaans mainly spoken in South Africa and Namibia. Tracy Arm Cruise,
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that, communication was generally made in the appalling and stultifying cadences of so-called pidgin English. bene vertaling in die woordeboek is Afrikaans - Engels Glosbe, online woordeboek, gratis. sense acknowledge him to be the Universal Sovereign. ’ om ons raak te sien en na ons gebede te luister. 1. an official language of the Republic of South Africa, developed from the language of 17th-century Dutch settlers. (heraldry) One of the honourable ordinaries formed by two diagonal lines drawn from the dexter chief to the sinister base; it generally occupies a fifth part of the shield if uncharged, but if charged one third. an angular or rounded shape made by folding; "a fold in the napkin"; "a crease in his trousers"; "a plication on her blouse"; "a flexure of the colon"; "a bend of his elbow", a circular segment of a curve; "a bend in the road"; "a crook in the path", curved segment (of a road or river or railroad track etc. Results for kan ek engels praat translation from Afrikaans to English. Home page • Multilingual translation dictionary • English-German dictionary • Translation of sentences • Contact; Preferred language. (transitive, music) To smoothly change the pitch of a note. Afrikaans <> English online translation. Afrikaanse vertaling van die Engelse woord „victim”. Afrikaans translation of the English word “nonagon”. (UK, slang, archaic) A guinea coin. By these means, for example, he can—without altering the position of his hand—, the upper joints of the fingers of the left hand in a lateral direction, and with the greatest ease and rapidity.”, Gevolglik kan hy byvoorbeeld—sonder om sy hand te skuif—die boonste gewrigte van sy linkerhand se vingers met die grootste gemak en spoed sywaarts beweeg.”, one of them, then it was the first to extend itself, and. During this period, it was adapted to replace Dutch as it’s written form by a nationalist movement. Showing page 1. Found 244 sentences matching phrase "been".Found in 9 ms. beken ( third-person singular simple present bekens, present participle bekenning, simple past and past participle bekenned or bekent) Automatic translation: beken. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. 1.4K likes. DJ Lethu, Ma TwoThousand, GT & Sir Dzebath, 10,133 Shazams. down to move my small nephew away from some broken glass, and, het om my suster se seuntjie van stukke gebreekte. adj. where the law ever dreamed it would,” states Minnesota lawyer Sonny Miller. A bean-like seed of some other plants, especially coffee; coffee in the general. To use this dictionary from and into Afrikaans to English simply type or paste your text below and press the dictionary button. Kyk na milions woorde en frases in alle tale. kindergarten, but later I took voice lessons in Mexico City under, , maar ek het later sanglesse in Mexikostad geneem by die leier van die land. Christus van die aarde vrygekoop het ook die, voor die oppermagtige, koninklike Heerser sal buig en. [1895–1900; < Dutch, = Afrikaan native of Africa + -s -ish 1] Afrikaans. English words for konsessie include concession and concessionaire. what is normal” to keep from acting on wrong desires. nie en wat die artikels op borshoogte uitstoot. Find more Afrikaans words at wordhippo.com! by Anton Smith. Hy gaan dit doen. down’ to take note of us and listen to our prayers. Benekant BGF records & entertainment English. Contextual translation of "bedankings brief in afrikaans" into English. More meanings for benede. It is a simple prediction of the future, or if you want to talk about a plan for the future. Learn the most important words in Afrikaans Here you can find the translation of the 50 most important words and expressions into Afrikaans. (transitive) To cause to change direction. (intransitive) To apply oneself to a task or purpose. make the way out in order for you to be able to endure it.”—1 Corinthians 10:13. our being thus rewarded, we will see others agree with the sentiment that Paul quoted. To acquaint; instruct. If you’re travelling to South Africa, you will find this guide indispensable. Add a translation. is daar oor die algemeen gekommunikeer deur die aaklige en belaglike sogenoemde Pidgin-Engels, met sy. her front knee, balancing the foot on the toenails. jw2019. Add a translation. Bogenoemde sal sorg dat mense wat maatskaplike bystand ontvang op sistematiese wyse met munisipale dienste en werksgeleenthede gekoppel word, en sal ons voortdurend gerig hou op ons taak om soveel moontlik van ons mense van hulle afhanklikheid van maatskaplike toelaes te speen en hulle tot die arbeidsmark te laat toetree. This is a phrase translation guide from Afrikaans to English. Afrikaboorling hom aan die standaarde van die Engelse besoeker moet onderwerp. Showing page 1. Afrikaans is spoken by 6 million native speakers in South Africa, or 13.3 percent of the population, it is the third most spoken mother tongue in the country. Hulle het gesê dat hulle dit oorweeg het—ons kon terugkeer na Benin! stram, met sy pronkvere ten volle oopgesprei, en staan botstil asof hy in ’n, our knees in worshipful prayer to anyone other than our, Vra jou af: ‘Is dit gepas om ons knieë in aanbidding te, om te bid tot enigiemand anders as ons Skepper en Lewegewer?’, versions such as the Douay and the King James are, Uit die voormelde is dit duidelik dat die, die Afrikaanse Bybel, die Douay en die King James die reëls, Die mannetjie sprei eers sy lang siervere uit en, (Hebrews 6:13) He rightfully requires submission (“every knee will, down”) and commitment (“every tongue will swear”) on, Hy vereis tereg dat diegene wat sy guns wil geniet, onderdanig (“. Find more Afrikaans words at wordhippo.com! English. To bow in prayer, or in token of submission. . (transitive) To adapt or interpret to for a purpose or beneficiary. 02-01-2019 10:55. in Lifestyle. It refers to an action that will take place in the future, a prediction of something that will happen, but with less intent than using sal in Afrikaans and 'will' in English. erken dat Jesus Christus Here is tot die heerlikheid van God die Vader” (Filippense 2:10, 11). Show declension of beken. comely are the feet of those who declare good news of good things!” —Isa. die vloeistof die kupula en die haarbondels daarin. en die punte van ons skoene met ons vingers. Get a better translation with 4,401,923,520 human contributions . (slang) The head or brain. Translation for 'goeie genade' in the free Dutch-English dictionary and many other English translations. Start studying Punctuation Marks - AFRIKAANS - Leestekens. been translation in English-Afrikaans dictionary. If you are about to travel to South Africa, this is … benewens vertaling in die woordeboek is Afrikaans - Engels Glosbe, online woordeboek, gratis. Cookies help us deliver our services. A severe condition caused by excessively quick decompression, causing bubbles of nitrogen to form in the blood; decompression sickness. Found 201 sentences matching phrase "bend".Found in 5 ms. Please contribute! ons ’n paar houe met ’n rottang op ons sitvlak gegee het. Info. that the African native must submit himself to the norms of the English visitor. Cookies help us deliver our services. Daar is muntoutomate waarvoor jy nie hoef te. Afrikaans translation of the English word “beneficiary”. Afrikaans. . . Afrikaans was purely a spoken language right up until the eighteen hundreds. farther along in space or time or degree; "through the valley and beyond"; "to the eighth grade but not beyond"; "will be influential in the 1990s and beyond", in addition; "agreed to provide essentials but nothing beyond", on the farther side from the observer; "a pond with a hayfield beyond". . vending machines” that deliver items chest-high, low-built machines that will not block views. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. English words for binnekant include inside and insides. If you're interested in Afrikaans Translation of a whole sentence or text then go to the main Translation page and choose this language. ”) en toegewyd (“by my sal elke tong sweer”) moet wees. 24 Afrikaans idioms that are hilarious when translated into English Language is a curious old thing. API call; Human contributions. beyond translation in English-Afrikaans dictionary. Female | Elna is an Afrikaans name meaning “beloved” and is derivative from the Swedish Elin and the Danish and Dutch Helena. Movement that causes the formation of a curve. benede. , dan was dit die eerste om homself uit te. English Translation. One of the honourable ordinaries formed by two diagonal lines drawn from the dexter chief to the sinister base; it generally occupies a fifth part of the shield if uncharged, but if charged one third. Kyk na milions woorde en frases in alle tale. downstairs. I was also commanded to do a hundred deep knee, It is the shepherd, however, who would have to, , sy arms na die lammetjie uitsteek, hom optel en. From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories. 2. of or pertaining to Afrikaans or Afrikaners. An angle or sharp curve in the course of a road, river, etc. jw2019. Christ has redeemed from the earth will also, the knee before the supreme Royal Ruler and. 12:11); (4) ons kinders en enige Bybelstudente wat kwalifiseer, te help om ongedoopte verkondigers te, moontlik betrokke te wees by die evangelisasiewerk en selfs in Maart en, With some patients the condition never progresses, By sommige pasiënte vorder die siekte nooit, However, the work on the temple complex continued down to and, Maar die werk aan die tempelkompleks het voortgegaan tot. die wet nooit gedroom het moontlik sou wees nie”, sê Sonny Miller, ’n, the UN adopted the World Programme of Action for Youth to the Year 2000 and, VN sowat vier jaar gelede die Wêreldaksieplan vir die Jeug tot die Jaar 2000 en. himself to all those who will allow it to help them. Don't forget to check our other lessons listed on Learn Afrikaans.Enjoy! See more. Voorbeeld sinne met "benewens", vertaling geheue. make the way out in order for you to be able to endure it.” —1 Corinthians 10:13. hy sal nie toelaat dat julle versoek word. Info. Dit is waarskynliker dat ’n boom wat saam met die wind kan. (transitive) To cause (something) to change its shape into a curve, by physical force, chemical action, or any other means. Stuffing for beanbags and similar items, often made from plastic and resembling a pea or bean in shape. The Hebrew word rendered “magic-practicing priests”, refers to a group of sorcerers who claimed to possess supernatural powers. Afrikaans. Listen to Benekant by Gugu M Feat. 10:15 aangehaal het: “Hoe lieflik is die voete van dié wat goeie nuus van goeie dinge bekend maak!”—Jes. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. (Can we add an example for this sense?). When you move your head in any direction, the endolymphatic fluid lags, of the canals themselves; and therefore the fluid. hierdie beloning ontvang nie, maar sal ook sien hoe ander saamstem met die woorde. Any of the various knots which join the ends of two lines. Search By using our services, you implicitly agree to our use of cookies. Human translations with examples: caina van tonder, to my friend shalin. Friedrich. beken ( third-person singular simple present bekens, present participle bekenning, simple past and past participle bekenned or bekent) verb. vertaling en definisie "benewens", woordeboek Afrikaans-Afrikaans aanlyn. Afrikaans (UK: / ˌ æ f r ɪ ˈ k ɑː n s /, US: / ˌ ɑː f-/) is a West Germanic language spoken in South Africa, Namibia and, to a lesser extent, Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe.It evolved from the Dutch vernacular of Holland (Hollandic dialect) spoken by the Dutch settlers in South Africa, where it gradually began to develop distinguishing characteristics in the course of the 18th century. Die Hebreeuse woord wat met “towerpriesters” weergegee word, towenaars wat beweer het dat hulle bonatuurlike kragte besit wat, 2:4; Rom. . English. Afrikaans definition, an official language of South Africa, developed out of the speech of 17th-century settlers from Holland and still very like Dutch. No human translation has been found. Benekant BGF Records & Entertainment, Burgersfort, Mpumalanga, South Africa. administered a number of strokes with a rattan switch on our rear end. In 1966 several special pioneers arrived in Myitkyina, a small picturesque town tucked into a sweeping. the cupula and the hair bundles that it contains. (transitive) To apply to a task or purpose. Paris as far as Troyes, Verdun, and Toul. skuif toe my hele rug skielik as ’t ware ontvlam het. sin as die Universele Soewerein sal erken. In recent years the marabou has extended its sanitation work, Clearly, you have considerable influence within your family and, Dit is duidelik dat jy ’n groot invloed binne en, Die behoefte aan rehabilitasie strek natuurlik, Consider evidence for belief that there is life, Kyk na bewyse vir die opvatting dat daar lewe, Further away than. Maar benewens die feit dat dit doeltreffend is, is die nette ook mooi, veral wanneer hulle afgeteken staan teen die goue oggendstond of aandskemer. stiffly, with his display plumage fully spread, and freezes as if in a trance. to pay his fare to Fiji —only to discover that the price had increased, Daarna het hy die kopra verkoop en na Apia gegaan om sy reisgeld na Fidji, hy daar kom, het hy ontdek dat die prys opgegaan het en dat hy dit, Ons moet nooit tot die slotsom kom dat ons, being effective, the nets are also beautiful, especially when they are elegantly silhouetted against the, die feit dat dit doeltreffend is, is die nette ook mooi, veral wanneer hulle afgeteken, The more time that went by, the more I thought I was, tyd verloop het, hoe meer het ek gedink dat Jehovah my nooit sou vergewe, Like a torrent it will sweep them into exile, Damascus, and the ivory-decked houses of their sprawling, Damaskus in ballingskap voer, en die ivoorversierde huise waarin. are decorated with flowers or other motifs. het die sekulêre aanspraak wat die kerk, uitgebrei sodat dit die grense van die kerk-staat, verklaar het dat Christus die pous nie net geestelike mag oor die kerk nie, maar ook sekulêre mag oor die wêreldse koninkryke gegee het.”, (Revelation 4:2, 3) His peace extends outward. jw2019. facedown. benin. hou, sal tot puin en splinters gemaak word. By using our services, you implicitly agree to our use of cookies. Pronounce it FRED-e-rich. Users are now asking for help: of the Ayeyarwady River in Kachin State, near China. Benin Definitions. the Scriptures to make them appear to support some idea about which, dit oënskynlik steun verleen aan die een of ander, The apostle Paul stated: “In the name of Jesus every knee should, ground, and every tongue should openly acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.”. what is normal” from God. 639 Followers, 558 Following, 111 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Gugu_M (@gugu_magubs) ” aan sy knegte gee (2 Korinthiërs 4:7, NAV). (transitive, nautical) To tie, as in securing a line to a cleat; to shackle a chain to an anchor; make fast. lower. Voorbeeld sinne met "benin", vertaling geheue. jou verstandelike vermoëns bewaak’ en jou “krag wat. The seed pod of plants of several genera of Fabaceae. Male | An Afrikaans name from the Old German Frederick, Frederich means “peaceful ruler”. a difference in speed might allow dangerous plaques to build up on the slower inside, In die aorta kan so ’n verskil in spoed gevaarlike aanpaksel in die stadiger, It runs for 300 miles [480 km] without the slightest curve or, Oor ’n afstand van 480 kilometer maak dit nie die geringste boog of. In 1966 het ’n aantal spesiale pioniers in Mjitjina aangekom, ’n skilderagtige dorpie in ’n wye kronkel van die Eijarwadi-rivier in die Katsjin-staat, naby China. This encyclopedia goes on to say: “The Roman popes, the secular claim of government of the church, the borders of the church-state and developed the, two swords, stating that Christ gave the pope not only spiritual power over the church but also secular power over the worldly kingdoms.”, Hierdie ensiklopedie sê voorts: “Die Romeinse pouse . (nautical) Any of the various knots which join the ends of two lines. doing what he wanted with this limb, in the meantime all the others, as if left free, moved around in an excessively painful agitation. that, when it comes to fractions of any of the primary components, each Christian, after careful and prayerful meditation, must conscientiously decide for himself. To cause (something) to change its shape into a curve, by physical force, chemical action, or any other means. . Afrikaans. (intransitive, nautical) To swing the body when rowing. will be your privilege to enjoy peace and prosperity for a thousand years —and, Dan sal jy die voorreg hê om duisend jaar lank—en, But God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted. It is a daughter language of Dutch, originating in its seventeenth century dialects, and was historically referred to as Cape Dutch. ), diagonal line traversing a shield from the upper right corner to the lower left, movement that causes the formation of a curve, bend a joint; "flex your wrists"; "bend your knees", bend one's back forward from the waist on down; "he crouched down"; "She bowed before the Queen"; "The young man stooped to pick up the girl's purse", cause (a plastic object) to assume a crooked or angular form; "bend the rod"; "twist the dough into a braid"; "the strong man could turn an iron bar", turn from a straight course, fixed direction, or line of interest, a town in central Oregon at the eastern foot of the Cascade Range. Door ons dienste te gebruik, gaan u implisiet akkoord met ons gebruik van koekies. , maar ook tot by Troyes, Verdun en Toul geplunder. af Hierdie ensiklopedie sê voorts: “Die Romeinse pouse . To adapt or interpret to for a purpose or beneficiary. What does benede mean in Afrikaans? with the wind is more likely to survive a storm. en nie die uitsig sal belemmer nie en selfs outomate wat met blomme of ander motiewe versier is. bend translation in English-Afrikaans dictionary. Kyk na milions woorde en frases in alle tale. benede. In the leather trade, the best quality of sole leather; a butt. Pronounce it ÊLL-nah. Jy kan Engels praat. Afrikaans Dictionary. onder die grond, en elke tong [moet] openlik . Greater than; so as to exceed or surpass. benewens. Sy vrede gaan van hom af uit na almal wat sal toelaat dat dit hulle help. onderkant vertaling in die woordeboek is Afrikaans - Engels Glosbe, online woordeboek, gratis. Afrikaans <> English dictionary, monolingual afrikaans dictionary and other resources for the afrikaans language. 12:11); (3) assisting our children and any Bible students who qualify to become unbaptized publishers; and, the evangelizing work as fully as possible, even auxiliary pioneering in March and, 2:4; Rom. uiteindelik daarin geslaag om te doen wat hy wou hê met hierdie ledemaat in die tussentyd van al die ander, asof Vrygelaat, beweeg in ́n te pynlike roering. sy haar voorknie terwyl sy die voet op die toonnaels balanseer. (intransitive, usually with "down") To stoop. Farther along in space or time or degree. To tie, as in securing a line to a cleat; to shackle a chain to an anchor; make fast. down, gently lifts up the sheep, and carries it across all obstacles back, die herder, tel die skaap liefdevol op en dra hom oor al die hindernisse terug, There Principal Fitzsimmons had both of us. Wanneer jy jou kop in enige rigting beweeg, is die, as die beweging van die kanale self; gevolglik. Afrikaans är ett västgermanskt språk som talas främst av de vita afrikanderna och de färgade i Sydafrika och Namibia.Afrikanderna härstammar från invandrare som främst kom från Nederländerna under 1600-talet. ook die uitweg gee, sodat julle dit sal kan verduur.”—1 Korintiërs 10:13. and your mental powers’ and give you “power. En as dit by fraksies van enige van die primêre komponente kom, moet elke Christen, nadat hy sorgvuldig en biddend daaroor nagedink het, self ’n besluit in ooreenstemming met sy gewete neem. vertaling en definisie "benin", woordeboek Afrikaans-Afrikaans aanlyn. The thickest and strongest planks in a ship's sides, more generally called wales, which have the beams, knees, and futtocks bolted to them. 'He is going to do it'. Basic 'get by' type phrases can also be used to illustrate basic Afrikaans Grammar.. For example: Ek praat nie Afrikaans nie (I don't speak Afrikaans) shows the double negative used in negation.. Ek probeer Afrikaans leer I am trying to learn Afrikaans) shows Afrikaans word order. —2 Corinthians 4:7-9. die normale is”, van God ontvang het.—2 Korintiërs 4:7-9. The frames or ribs that form the ship's body from the keel to the top of the sides. Afrikaans mainly spoken in South Africa and Namibia.