emacs meta key on mac

The only problem I have had to date with putty is that the ‘pcprint’ hasn’t worked for me in putty (tried when using ssh).. anyone? The ESC key can be used as a prefix, and often works without initial hassle. Why do exploration spacecraft like Voyager 1 and 2 go through the asteroid belt, and not over or below it? beginning in 1960s, and all the notable biggest computer scientists came out. Obviously this trick only works if you don’t use the Windows/Menu/Penguin/whatever keys. This is because Meta and Alt are different and you can bind things to M-a and to A-a and they should not be confused. from the /etc/bashrc file. The two steps of reassigning the delete key (keycode 59) and using stty to make it the backspace should be performed together, i.e. On the Mac, Emacs can use either the option key or the command key as the META key. Emacs should adopt the “Alt+key” and “Ctrl+key” notation throughout its documentation. Note that “^?” is NOT the caret followed by a questionmark; it is C-?. How do you copy/paste from e.g. If you’re in a hurry, ESC maps to Meta, so you can type ESC x instead of M-x. With syscons, I use this ugly workaround until I can find a better solution. If the value of the variable mac-command-key-is-meta is non-nil (its default value), Emacs uses the command key as the META key. Meta Key Management: since Emacs uses an extra modifier key that is not on your keyboard, Aquamacs allows you to use the Option key. I have also started using Emacs via SSH from my iPad with an external Bluetooth keyboard. On the Mac, Emacs can use either the option key or the command key as the META key. Disabling Enable key Option or Alt) and Command (⌘) keys. If you use the defaults, option is used as the meta key. This work is licensed to you under version 2 of the Overview. So s-s … I read that I may need to remap the meta key Has anyone else knows a … Keyboards Don't Have Meta Key Today. Unix & Linux: emacs meta key and Mint window managerHelpful? Emacs supports the modifier keys found commonly on keyboards today: Control, Shift, and Alt. If you want to use option for the standard purpose, one way to that is to remap command to be the meta key (setq ns-command-modifier 'meta) (setq ns-option-modifier 'none) I do that using stock Gnu Emacs on a Mac and if I … This will make your Windows/Penguin key the Super key. Works like a charm. License, the XEmacs manual license, or This has the advantage of allowing the command key to behave expectedly with other Mac applications. There are several terms and concepts which can be confusing. And now everything is fine. How would you remap the meta key on emacs? On many keyboards, the Alt key acts as Meta, so try it.. What do I add to my .emacs file to turn the command key to Meta? 今天才发现,原来Emacs 的很多快捷键其实在所有文档编辑器中都是适用的,比如就在苹果的浏览器中,现在我就可以使用 C-pC-a,C-b -----正文----- C-f,C-e C-n这几个组 合键来 进行光标移动,只是用中文输入法的时候这个快捷键就不好用了,这时 Otherwise it uses the option key as the META key.. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. If you see M-x then Alt is … This is Purcell's emacs configuration tree, continually used and tweaked since 2000, and it may be a good starting point for other Emacs users, especially those who are web developers. Thus, Emacs notices that no key will be Meta and accepts Alt instead of Meta. Windows and Linux account for about 95% of computers used world wide. 터미널.. So one way to make the ⌘ key your meta key is to map ⌘ to Alt.. I simply replaced all instances of ralt with lalt. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy, and our Terms of Service. It is up to the application to determine the meaning of the modifier. to /etc/rc.conf to permanently use the customized keymap. Looking for a hadith full version about expressing love to a person. The ESC key can be used as a prefix, and often works without initial hassle. the work, as long as that license imposes the restriction that Alternatively, you can also use just the right-hand side Command or Option keys for So s-s … use: M-x customize-group RET ns RET I'm not really sure if left and right is treated separately. On Macintoshes meta is often the Optionkey, which often is caught for other purposes. You have the traditional Emacs bindings on Control and Meta, and the OS X bindings on Command. Well, if running EmacsOnTerminal, better see below. How do I do that? However, due to the high number of Emacs commands using "Meta", there were already long-established replacements (the Alt key acted as Meta, or typing Escape,X acted like Meta-X), so adding an actual Meta key did not provide much added functionality. Some variables in this group can be set to either assign behavior to modifier keys, or remove it to make them behave as usual in Mac OS X. There is no mention of Meta for any modifier, so Emacs will use the Alt modifier (mod1) as a Meta modifier. GNU For example mod1 might be treated as Meta regardless of the assigned keysym. I've since moved to Linux but ergonomics was indeed the primary reason. Best option in Emacs 23 is to revert to Emacs 22 settings (alt is alt, cmd is meta) with this snippet: CocoaEmacs has a group of customizable options named Ns, for adjustment of GNUstep/Mac OS X specific features. When using native EmacsForMacOS, the variables mac-option-modifier, mac-command-modifier and mac-command-key-is-meta are useful for changing the behavior of different modifier keys. :), Podcast 293: Connecting apps, data, and the cloud with Apollo GraphQL CEO…, Mac OS X, Emacs and Windows keyboard - remapping a key. Not sure if you're totally married to using Emacs from the terminal, but another option is to use Carbon Emacs (my favorite) and Aquamacs (very Mac-like). Emacs Keybinding for Mac osx. Generate ^? In Mac OS X, the meta key is mapped to the alt key, but as you may very well know, this alt key is known as the option key, and has its peculiarities. Emacs supports the modifier keys found commonly on keyboards today: Control, Shift, and Alt. On my Macbook Pro (el capitan), the meta key is by default mapped to the ESC key. license that grants the right to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute If you are using AquamacsEmacs [Aquamacs Homepage] or CarbonEmacsPackage, you may be able to set the modifier keys within your .emacs or other preferences file.. I used OS X to make CAPS LOCK be CONTROL.I didn’t change OPTION and COMMAND.I made this change because Emacs couldn’t ignore the key-event when it was coming from Karabiner. If the value of the variable mac-command-key-is-meta is non-nil (its default value), Emacs uses the command key as the META key. Does cyberpunk exclude interstellar space travel? And if Alt and Meta correspond to the same modifier, it will only use the Meta modifier. To try it, you can run. It permanently remaps keys as you specify across all applications. I'm using ssh in Terminal to ssh into a Linux host where I'm running Emacs. [NOTE: If you use both emacs and vim, this may break vim’s backspace! 정말 빠르게 Option Key 를 메타키로 설정하는 방법을 알려드립니다. Question: Q: Terminal.app emacs meta key More Less. What and where should I study for competitive programming? On Macintoshes meta is often the Option key, which often is caught for other purposes. In some distributions, this is the Windows key, or a Penguin key on some keyboards. Most people should want to use the command key as the META key, so that dead-key … But in the case where there is no Meta binding, it’s preferable to treat Alt as Meta since Alt bindings are much more rare than Meta bindings in Emacs. I map the left command key to super and bind appropriate emacs commands to the common mac command functions. I want to use Mac CMD+C for copy and CMD+V for paste in Spacemacs but I think it redefined CMD to Meta. Carbon Emacs uses the command key for meta, this is nice because you can do Control-Meta commands just by holding Control and Command down instead of first hitting escape then the control key sequence. Initially, circa 1996, it was most common to make this key be the "Meta" shift key. On some ports, Emacs finds an existing Meta key and no longer treats Alt as the Meta key. It only takes a minute to sign up. (setq mac-command-modifier ‘meta) but it has no effect. In many cases, Emacs automatically maps the Alt modifier key to Meta. (setq mac-option-modifier 'meta) (setq mac-command-modifier 'meta) Now I'm trying to connect from my Mac via TigerVNC to my Linux machine which also has Emacs running. I find this distracting (not to mention aesthetically objectionable), and much prefer the behavior of applications like iTerm that show an empty scrollbar slot in such cases. Turning this setting on may cause strange characters to be printed, especially if you are running Leopard or higher. In both Windows and Linux's documentations, they use Alt+key and Ctrl+key notation. I hope that helps. As you can see, the Shift keys act as a shift modifier, the Control keys act as a control modifier, and the left Alt key acts as mod1 modifier. I'm using a Mac keyboard on Ubuntu at work. 2016-10-11 . (setq mac-command-modifier 'meta) - Sets the command (Apple) key as Meta (setq mac-control-modifier 'meta) - Sets the control key as Meta (setq mac-function-modifier 'meta) - Sets the function key as Meta (limitations on non-English keyboards) Allowed values for these variables are, by the way, ‘alt, ‘hyper, ‘ctrl. This site contains user submitted content, comments and opinions and is for informational purposes only. In order to correct that, you will need to set set-keyboard-coding-system to nil in your .emacs config. Ideally a keymap could send meta with the Alt key. The downside to this approach is that it does not retain the Command key’s functionality for use in other Mac applications. You can do this with the following ~/.xmodmap file (the lines starting with exclamation points are comments and can be omitted): before starting emacs (for instance, from /etc/bashrc if you use the login shell option to xterm, i.e. I find this distracting (not to mention aesthetically objectionable), and much prefer the behavior of applications like iTerm that show an empty scrollbar slot in such cases. Solution no. The Meta key is a key on Lisp Machine keyboards in the 1970s and 1980s. The default function of M-x is the command execute-extended-command. To make a Option (Alt) work as described for AquamacsEmacs above, set ns-alternate-modifier to none (No modifier) in the customize buffer and save the changes. GNU General Public License. With the us.iso.kdb keymap and syscons neither Alt key works for me. If your problem is that the modifier keys are not mapped as you expected, you can directly set the variables mac-option-modifier, mac-command-modifier and mac-control-modifier (and their right-counterparts) to either 'meta or 'control in your ~/.emacs.d/init.el file.. E.g. Put the following into your ~/.Xmodmap file (create if necessary). DefaultKeyBinding.dict; 시작은.. ... BEWARE: This file uses the Option key as a meta key. In my case the Windows key sends the scancode 105, so I added. How can I upsample 22 kHz speech audio recording to 44 kHz, maybe using AI? Common modifier keys are shift, alt, or control. Well, if running EmacsOnTerminal, better see below. In Emacs, "M-x command" means press M-x, then type the name of the command, and then press Enter.The M stands for the Meta key, which you can emulate on most keyboards by pressing the Esc key. How do I change this mapping behavior? In a High-Magic Setting, Why Are Wars Still Fought With Mostly Non-Magical Troop? (Does this also fix the related problem in Aquamacs Emacs, discussed below?). :D Regarding copy-paste from browser, it's been a lot of years, but cmd-c on the browser and then cmd-y on the Emacs window used to work if memory serves correct. AG.1 Keyboard Input on the Mac . Also note that modifiers like Alt, Meta, Super, Hyper, NumLock, and ScrollLock don’t have fixed modifier names – they are reported to the application as one of the five generic modifiers. However, you can easily remap any keys on the Mac keyboard, including modifier keys, to be any other keys on the Windows keyboard via Fusion. Free Documentation License, the It might not be obvious that when using EmacsOnTerminal, at least certain popular DEC terminals in the absense of an Escape-key send the escape prefix sequence on C-3 or C-[. As recommended previously, you should strongly consider re-binding Caps Lock to Control, system-wide. In Mac OS X, the meta key is mapped to the alt key, but as you may very well know, this alt key is known as the option key, and has its peculiarities. In AquamacsEmacs, Option (Alt) is mapped to Meta - however, because Option is used to input a lot of non-ASCII characters such as ü or £ on a variety of keyboards, the special character input methods take precedence by default. Otherwise it uses the option key as the META key. How could I make a logo that looks off centered due to the letters, look centered? how to set mac command key for keybinding in emacs, Using Windows key as meta for emacs via putty (windows 7), Remapping Emacs' Meta to Windows keys on Kubuntu. Mac keyboards conveniently have separate Control, Meta (a.k.a. Turning this setting on may cause strange characters to be printed, especially if you are running Leopard or higher. Furthermore, you may use the xmodmap command to remap the command key to Control only under X11. If you're not averse to remapping the key globally, you could also look at Doublecommand. In emacs documenation, the Meta key's notation is M-. by either shift-control-questionmark, or if keycode 59 is already set to 127, by hitting the delete key. Typing the pound, or hash (#) key in emacs on UK Macbook: The problem with OS X and the UK keyboard is that the pound key actually has a £ on it. Performing these two steps “frees” C-h to be available for emacs to use as the help key. If you need the mac extended character functionality of option you can leave the right option as nil and use it. The simple function below inserted into your .emacs file should map the keys correctly. Alt-b and Alt-f for navigating by word also works for your shell now. These keys existed on various keyboards in the past, in particular those of Lisp machines. A copy of GNU Emacs 22 without GUI support compiled in is available on all recent versions of Mac OS X via the shell. And in addition to that, you can see that the “Use Super for mod4” solution has been used in this setup. For example, say in emacs editor, to do a M-% (emacs find and replace), I would do ESC+% (I've tested this on iTerm2 and Terminal app.) In /etc/wscons.conf i add these lines near the bottom: I guess this may be more correctly solved by changing the wscons terminal types to something better than vt100, but I’ve not been able to figure out the correct naming. less ergonomic? I'm still getting used to my Mac and have a strange problem with emacs. the On some ports, Emacs finds an existing Meta key and no longer treats Alt as the Met… I map both option keys to meta. @user4601931 Old post indeed. If you want to use option for the standard purpose, one way to that is to remap command to be the meta key (setq ns-command-modifier 'meta) (setq ns-option-modifier 'none) I do that using stock Gnu Emacs on a Mac and if I … You can also remap the Command key to be a control key under System Preferences/Keyboard/Keyboard/Modifier Keys to use emacs in Terminal. but am pretty sure it does not have anything to do with emacs. The lisp machine and keyboards have been obsolete since early 1990s. GNU Emacs for Microsoft and Linux by default make the Alt key do Meta. Just clear it by adding ‘clear mod4’ to .Xmodmap or running the command ‘xmodmap -e “clear mod4”’. I doubt mac terminal can't simply change the key's map by setq sentence. site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. I did the same for ralt. Emacs also supports additional modifier keys that few modern keyboards have direct (hardware) support for: Meta, Super, and Hyper. This allows normal menu handling through the keyboard using the Alt key. In emacs, you may generate it by typing C-q prior to either of those sequences. I'd like to be able to use meta key commands, but I'm not how to send them from my (local) Mac to the (remote) Linux host. For whatever reason, the Alt key does nothing for me. I found mac-key-mode but that package seems old and I don't know how to add it to Spacemacs. Page up/Down get passed right through to emacs, etc. 9.9 What if I don’t have a Meta key?. In order to correct that, you will need to set set-keyboard-coding-system to nil in your.emacs config. Emacs has a numbers of mac specific settings, including something similar what you ask for. You have the following options, then: If you’re using XFree86 4, you can get a similar effect by putting something like this in XF86Config-4: Select a pc101 keyboard type instead of a pc104. Emacs works similarly to other editors you might have used; it lets you enter and edit text, and has certain keyboard shortcuts to perform common commands. If your Emacs does not recognize your Alt key as the Meta key anymore, then you probably have some other key bound to Meta. The simple function below inserted into your .emacs file should map the keys correctly. (setq mac-command-modifier 'meta) (setq mac-option-modifier 'ctrl) I also change the 'del' key binding for when I'm using an external apple keyboard: (global-set-key (kbd "") 'delete-forward-char) After these changes my Emacs experience feels very similar to that of Windows and Linux. Program to top-up phone with conditions in Python. restriction. Turning this setting on may cause strange characters to be printed, especially if you are running Leopard or higher. In Fusion 5, Select Virtual Machine -> … By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. The two keys it uses for these shortcuts are Control and Meta (which is Alt, or Option on a Mac). Emacs also supports additional modifier keys that few modern keyboards have direct (hardware) support for: Meta, Super, and Hyper. Development . Debian) the Alt key generates “Alt” and the Windows key generates “Meta”. Now, if you open a shell in iTerm and press C-b or C-f, the output will be as expected, but not if you press M-b or M-f. Instead of typing M-a, you can type ESC a.In fact, Emacs converts M-a internally into ESC a anyway (depending on the value of meta-prefix-char).Note that you press Meta and a together, but with ESC, you press ESC, release it, and then press a.Meta and a together, but Why are engine blocks so robust apart from containing high pressure? In some distributions, this is the Windows key, or a Penguin key on some keyboards. Emacs supports extra modifier keys called Super and Hyper. This used to be true of Emacs, so you will see lots of advice about putting Alt, Meta, or Super on specific modifiers. Take a look at the dumpkeys man page and friends. On some keyboards there is a real Meta key. So maybe in addition you might want to install keyremap4macbook.This can do some remapping - even on application specific basis. They are included in the group 'Ns'. Contents. Instead of typing M-a, you can type ESC a.In fact, Emacs converts M-a internally into ESC a anyway (depending on the value of meta-prefix-char).Note that you press Meta and a together, but with ESC, you press ESC, release it, and then press a.Meta and a This will result in insertion of a non-ASCII character in the native EmacsForMacOS when you use the Meta key. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. You can find precompiled versions of emacs and Emacs.app at http://emacsformacosx.com/. PDP-1/6/10, and it's all AI and all about LISP! should be used as a backspace/erase key, instead of C-h. Hi, I use Terminal.app a lot, and when i need to edit any file I use emacs. ShareAlike For example, you may choose to receive this work under Usually Meta is mapped to the Alt key by default. For example, you may see a “phi” when you type M-X, instead of the behavior you want (this is discussed in 26.13 Coding Systems for Terminal I/O in version 23). Apple Footer. I map both option keys to meta. Is the compiler allowed to optimise out private data members? So, practically speaking, the Meta key is the Alt key. Used with permission.) What does "ima" mean in "ima sue the s*** out of em"? Sorry if this isn't exactly a programming question. If you want to use your option key as meta in your terminal on the mac, under Terminal → Preferences → Settings → Keyboard check off the check box “Option as meta key”. There is a setting that can be put into your .emacs: mac-command-key-is-meta that you can set to any non-nil value to enable. To disable this emacs-unfriendly behavior, enter the line, in the initialization (~/.emacs) file. Cocoa is the Objective-C AP… However, I'm also remote accessing a Linux box via X11/NXClient. However, to complicate things further, Emacs does implement two special cases. For example upon receiving a key press event with mod1, if mod1’s keycode list includes a keycode with a mapping to Alt_L, this would mean mod1 is the Alt modifier. The Mac key is the same as , and Emacs provides a set of key bindings using this modifier key that mimic other Mac / GNUstep applications (see Mac / GNUstep Events). To get Emacs on Windows to recognize something other than the Alt as the meta key is hard.. The variables are named ns-{control,command,altenate,function}-modifier. When running Aquamacs on the Mac itself, the Alt/Option key is meta, which is what I expect. For more information on Emacs keystroke naming conventions, see How keystrokes are denoted in Emacs. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. But even when using Option for Meta you won't lose the ability to input characters such as [ or \ with the most common non-English keyboard layouts. xmodmap can also ensure that the Alt/Option key is set to be the Meta key in emacs. On MS Windows you can use the Windows keys as Meta keys. You can deselect “Option key produces only special characters” in the Options menu to use Option as Meta, or you set the variable mac-command-modifier to ‘meta - you will lose functionality, of course. In Brexit, what does "not compromise sovereignty" mean? equivalents under X11 under the input preferences is one easy way to fix this, but this will effectively kill a few useful keybindings of the X11 servers too. Under the “Settings” section, find your default Terminal and click the “Keyboard” subsetting tab. Super User is a question and answer site for computer enthusiasts and power users. Emacs on Mac OS X Leopard key bindings. The meta key was a special modifier key marked with a solid diamond ◆. Alternatively, you may choose to receive this work under any other On many keyboards, the Alt key acts as Meta, so try it.. With cmd-d I had to arch my thumb inwards less vs option-d as cmd was next to the spacebar on both sides. How do I map the Windows key to meta (for Emacs) in Putty? If you are using windows and access a remote unix or GNU box using a term, one good term program, IMHO, is PuTTY. I have modified the .emacs in the following way Of course, in emacs, the alt key is the meta key which is trapped by emacs. To get “#” you have to press Alt+3. For iTerm2: Go to Preferences > Profiles > Keys > Left/Right option key acts as: Meta. One “fix” is to put. This Stackoverflow forum helped me. The two keys it uses for these shortcuts are Control and Meta (which is Alt, or Option on a Mac). Symbolics's lisp machine keyboard PN 365407 Rev C. (Photo by Joey Devilla. In many cases, Emacs automatically maps the Alt modifier key to Meta. Check your xmodmap by running xmodmap or ‘xmodmap -pm’. These keys are from lisp keyboards. Under System Panel → Keyboard & Mouse → Keyboard → Modifier Keys - make sure Option Key is set to Option. If your Emacs does not recognize your Alt key as the Meta key anymore, then you probably have some other key bound to Meta. Is it illegal to market a product as if it would protect against something, while never making explicit claims? To find the scancodes sent for a key, you can use the misc/kbdscan port. The Apple X11 server application has the meta at the Option button, which is caught by the application itself for various purposes, and never passes on to the X11 client. I've tried to change that to Command or 'alt' using the .emacs file with no success. I want to use Mac CMD+C for copy and CMD+V for paste in Spacemacs but I think it redefined CMD to Meta. Open a new file in emacs to see what the theme looks like. You can then run emacs from X11 windows (Applications/Utilities/X11.app) with the option/alt key as the meta key. Put this in your .emacs file.

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