urban agriculture in the united states
Click through to see all! Associate Professor 64-78. Some topics raised in the literature as challenges in the urban setting—access to water, infrastructure, and environmental pollution—were raised as a concern by fewer farmers in our survey. FREE. In each case, start-up farms reported a higher need for education in these topics than established farms. December 2014 // Volume 52 // Number 6 // Feature // v52-6a1. Food policy councils and city governments around the country, in cities including New York City, Baltimore, and Chicago, have explicitly incorporated suggestions for their local food environments intended to facilitate the expansion of urban agriculture (Goldstein, Bellis, Morse, Myers, & Ura, 2011; Hodgson, 2012). In terms of other challenges for urban farms (Table 5), not surprisingly given the results of the study's informant interviews, profitability was the number one topic of concern and was viewed as very to extremely challenging for almost half of the respondents. Copyright © by Extension Get this from a library! Coinciding with a rise in farmers market, cities and states are seeking to utilize urban areas by transforming small parcels of land or vacant lots into areas of agricultural production.Urban agriculture describes operations ranging from community gardens to commercial production on a larger scale. The growing awareness of community and public health issues, the benefits of green space, the economic development potential of small-scale specialty farming enterprises, and fears about food security have combined to provide a groundswell of support for small-scale, sustainable urban agriculture efforts in many cities and counties across the country. Vertical farming (farming within urban buildings—such as high-rises—or vertically inclined surfaces in a technologically advanced manner), aquaponics (a system of aquaculture in which the waste produced by farmed fish or other aquatic animals supplies nutrients for plants grown hydroponically), hydroponics (a method of growing plants in water rather than in soil), and rooftop farming—all generally more capital intensive—were reported by fewer respondents. N=315 However, there are unique challenges to urban agriculture that require special attention, such as access to land, city zoning issues, access to water and water management, and livestock issues within the urban context, and environmental contamination, to name a few. It is based on the book, City Bountiful: A Century of Community Gardening in America, by Laura Lawson (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2005). This presentation summarizes the history of urban gardening in the United States. Because no national list of urban farms is available, a snowball sampling method, which relies on the social networks between members of target populations, was adopted to allow the survey to reach the broadest possible sample of urban farms. Editorial Office, joe-ed@joe.org. carolyn.dimitri@nyu.edu, Andrew Pressman Increasing urban food deserts in many parts of the world has motivated the improvement of methods of UA in order to complement urban food needs.13 14 In this paper, UA was categorized into two spheres: Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) 15 and Uncontrolled Environment Agriculture or open space agriculture (UEA).16 Because community gardens also grow food in urban areas, we allowed respondents to self-identify as either community garden or urban/peri-urban farm. Urban agriculture offers many potential benefits to urban areas, such as green space and access to fresh food for urban consumers. Urban farmers are faced with a unique set of challenges that includes the high cost of land, access to capital resources, and limited availability of technical assistance. Moreover, it estimated, urban agriculture would require 30 perc… Urban agriculture is an important source of environmental and production efficiency benefits. Another may be facilitating urban farmer training programs, providing assistance with business planning, which was rated as highly needed in the survey, as well as production practices and marketing and distribution. 30, no. Urban Agriculture is the growing, process- ing, and distribution of food through intensive plant cultivation and animal husbandry in and around cities.12 Fig. Like many rural and suburban farms, urban farms often undertake production on multiple sites. These results are also supported by the interviews in the study's 15 cities, suggesting that urban farms have a difficult time providing a high-volume of product due to their small acreage and tend to focus on high-value, niche products to low-volume customers, focusing on quality and price over quantity. > Privacy Policy In general, informant interviews revealed that urban farmers do not currently rely on Extension personnel for their technical assistance needs. Lydia Oberholtzer Single copies of articles may be Other potential obstacles to the expansion of urban agriculture include access to credit and capital, lack of municipal support for composting, land tenure, lack of infrastructure for marketing and processing food raised on the urban farms, environmental contamination, and limited access to water (Castillo et al., 2013; Hendrickson & Porth, 2012; Kaufman & Bailkey, 2000; Raes Harnes, Presley, Hettiarachchi, & Thine, 2013). Retrieved from: http://www.urbantilth.org/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/farminginsidecities.pdf. The Urban Food Agenda is an FAO flagship initiative to enhance sustainable development, food security and nutrition in urban and peri-urban areas, and nearby rural spaces. Urban agriculture, a current trend in many US cities, is purported to bring enhanced food security, reduction of food waste, community building, open green space in … Urban agriculture in the United States has been enriched by the skills and technologies of immigrant populations, from Japanese market gardeners in California to Italian urban gardeners in the Northeast. In turn, there may be no restrictions which can lead to issues of environmental and human welfare. Urban farming has grown by more than 30 percent in the United States in the past 30 years. A national study of urban farms was initiated in 2013 by the authors to assess the risks and economics unique to urban agriculture and to examine the technical assistance needs of urban farmers. Key differences between start-up and established urban farms can be seen in three topics—soil fertility and compost, urban production practices, and farm security. [On-line}, 45(1) Article 1FEA10. In order to get a richer picture of policy and other trends in urban agriculture, in the second part of the project, informant interviews were completed primarily via telephone (with some in-person interviews) in 15 cities where urban agriculture is purported to be increasing. Home > Urban agriculture in the United States: reconnecting consumers and producers Information ; Usage statistics . Urban Agriculture at the U.S. Botanic Garden Agriculture is the cornerstone of human survival. Note: Do not add to 100% because a percentage of respondents also reported "not applicable." As an incentive, all respondents were entered into a drawing for one of ten gift cards worth $75. 1, pp. Raes Harnes, A. M., Presley, D. R., Hettiarachchi, G. M., & Thien, S. J. Although aquaponics are a frequently discussed topic in urban agriculture circles, only 0.2% of production output was reported in fish. Urban Agriculture in the United States: Characteristics, Challenges, and Technical Assistance Needs. Informant interviews suggest that urban farmers, in general, are likely to look to networks of other farmers in their cities for technical assistance and advice. Support. National Center for Appropriate Technology On the other hand, the benefits of urban agriculture may also not be fully realized if appropriate support infrastructure is not in place. If you have difficulties viewing or printing this page, please contact JOE Technical For these reasons, urban agriculture has captured the attention of city residents and policymakers. Program Specialist Working Paper. City and suburban agriculture takes the form of backyard, roof-top and balcony gardening, community gardening in vacant lots and parks, roadside urban fringe agriculture and livestock grazing in open space. All variables used are categorical, with the challenges and training variables coded as binary (1=very/extremely challenging or highly needed, 0=otherwise), as well as the two farm types (start-up and established). AU - Pressman, Andrew. [Jerome L Kaufman; Martin Bailkey; Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.] Farming inside cities: Entrepreneurial urban agriculture in the United States. Planning for food access and community-based food systems: A national scan and evaluation of local comprehensive and sustainability plans. Articles appearing in the Journal The end result is that potential and existing urban farmers do not receive adequate support. These results are supported by the informant interviews completed across the 15 study cities. Profitability, financing, and production costs were rated the highest challenges. Urban agriculture: Food, jobs, and sustainable cities. become the property of the Journal. Rogus, S & Dimitri, C 2015, ' Agriculture in urban and peri-urban areas in the United States: Highlights from the census of agriculture ', Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, vol. However, many farms and farmers were new to the sector. Respondents were asked to enter their farm name and duplicate respondents were identified via zip code and farm name and deleted from the final results. Extension personnel are uniquely placed to provide this type of assistance. T2 - Characteristics, challenges, and technical assistance needs. Urban agriculture can offer many benefits, especially in terms of improved food security. This article outlines characteristics of urban farms in the United States and explores their challenges and technical assistance needs within the context of implications for Extension and other service providers. Box 3838 Castillo, S., Winkle, C., Krauss, S., Turkewitz, A., Silva, C., & Heinemann, E. (2013). Available at: http://www.joe.org/joe/2013february/a10.php, Reynolds, K. (2011). Urban Agriculture. For this article, we hypothesized that start-up urban farms may have different challenges and technical assistance needs than more established urban farms. New York, New York Integrated into its urban environment, farming in the city uses and reuses urban resources (including labor and natural resources) and returns agricultural products to urban consumers. Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. P.O. Sixty percent of farmers reported relying on off-farm income as a source for the primary farmer's income, and another 31.0% reported using grant funding and fundraising. andyp@ncat.org. However, due to the snowball sampling, the results about farming characteristics are not generalizable to all urban farms. We define start-up farms as those farms established within the last 10 years and the primary farmer having five years or less experience. One recent survey found that 51 countries do not have enough urban area to meet a recommended nutritional target of 300 grams per person per day of fresh vegetables. Chicago, IL: American Planning Association. The cities included Atlanta, GA; Austin, TX; Cleveland, OH; Denver, CO; Kansas City, MO; Minneapolis, MN; Missoula, MT; New Orleans, LA; New York, NY; Philadelphia, PA; Portland, ME; Portland, OR; Oakland, CA; Salt Lake City, UT; and Washington, D.C. Only 32.9% of farmers reported that the primary farmer earned a living by farming in 2012. The survey was promoted through various listservs nationally. Rejecting our hypothesis that start-up and more established farms may face different types of challenges, no significant differences were found between the two types of urban farms. Pearson, L. J, Pearson, L., & Pearson, C. J. Urban agriculture is also the term used for animal husbandry, aquaculture, agroforestry, urban beekeeping, and horticulture.These activities occur in peri-urban areas as well. Farming in the city presents many challenges, some of which are common to all types of farming, and others unique to the urban setting. Senior Researcher > Water Conservation What is Urban Agriculture? Abstract 1. Some challenges of urban agriculture are unique to the urban setting, and many farmers do not receive adequate technical assistance. > Upcoming Workshops This concern is confirmed by the gross sales data for the farms (Table 3). For these reasons, urban agriculture has captured the attention of city residents and policymakers. Throughout interviews nationwide, land access was also raised as a key topic in most urban settings, and this shows up in the survey results for technical assistance as well, with almost half the respondents noting that legal assistance for land access is moderately to highly needed. lso3@psu.edu, Carolyn Dimitri The survey hints at these concerns as well. The respondents also reported that the urban farms had been in operation an average of 13 years. Raised beds 203 64.4. Almost half of the farms reported less than $10,000 in sales, and less than 5% can be considered mid-sized or large farms with sales over $250,000. The report Urban Agriculture: Findings from Four City Case Studies showcases four cities where urban agriculture is present. Urban farms, regardless of the length they have been in business or the experience of their farmer, have similar challenges and technical assistance needs, and demand for technical assistance is generally high for most topics. Urban agriculture—Best practices and possibilities. > Accessibility JOE 52(6) ©2014 Extension Journal Inc. 2. Urban agriculture, as used in this article, refers to the growing of plants and the raising of animals within and around cities. These semi-structured interviews were undertaken with approximately 10 stakeholders in each city, including Extension personnel, farmers, businesses, and government staff, among others. Given the farms' close proximity to the urban consumer markets, the use of these markets is not surprising. Butte, MT 59702, Copyright © NCAT 1997-2020. Production challenges were rated by survey respondents (Table 4). Urban agriculture, though often difficult to define, is an emerging sector of local food economies in the United States. Urban farmers often seek out training when available in their area, but often this training is provided by urban garden groups and not-for-profit organizations, and often lacks the focus on scale and business that many urban farmers are seeking. Urban farmers face significant knowledge gaps and institutional barriers (Pearson, Pearson, & Pearson, 2010). Please send an email to pubs@ncat.org with your request.Be sure to include your preferred mailing address. Journal of Extension Urban agriculture is rising steadily in popularity in the United States and Canada — there are stories in the popular press, it has an increasingly central place in the growing local food movement, and there is a palpable interest in changing urban environments to foster both … Those characterized as start-up farms accounted for 46% of respondents (n=131), while those that were not accounted for 54% (n=154). AU - Oberholtzer, Lydia. Urban agriculture can play an important role in supporting local food systems. Of the urban farms that sold some amount of products grown on the farm, farmers markets and Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) were the top marketing outlets (Table 2). Urban agriculture can play an important role in supporting local food systems. The Pennsylvania State University The national survey of urban farms in the United States reported here revealed that the profile of the sector is one of young, recently founded farms and farmers. The Journal of Extension (JOE) is the official refereed journal for Extension professionals. Although a growing number of state land-grant universities and their Extension programs are allocating resources for urban agriculture (Reynolds, 2011; Surls et al., 2014), there is a dearth of research and literature regarding urban agriculture to rely on. Although urban and agricultural landscapes are often integrated in countries around the world, the establishment of mid- to large-scale food production in the U.S. urban ecosystem is a relatively new development. A Brief History of Urban Garden Programs in the United States. Farming inside cities : entrepreneurial urban agriculture in the United States. Retrieved from: http://georgiaorganics.org/wp-content/themes/GeorgiaOrganics/Downloads/SiteMoveOver/urbanagreport.pdf. Thirty-five questions inquired about production practices, marketing practices (e.g., products sold, marketing outlets), risks and challenges, information and technical assistance needs, and basic farm characteristics. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. Assessing the educational needs of urban gardeners and farmers on the subject of soil contamination. T1 - Urban agriculture in the United States. Peri-urban agriculture may have different characteristics. The potential benefits agriculture off ers in urban areas have gained the interest of many residents and policy makers, who are implementing policies, developing infrastructure, and creating markets to support the growing number of urban farms. Production costs were rated as the most challenging aspect of urban farms, with managing pests, weeds, and climate viewed as very to extremely challenging by at least a quarter of urban farmers. However, as with any system, there are potential downsides which can reduce or even eliminate the potential benefits. Butte, Montana Smit, J., Ratta, A., & Nasr, J. All survey data were analyzed using the statistical analysis program Stata (StataCorp LP, College Station, Texas, USA). Sustainable urban agriculture: Stocktake and opportunities. Poorly designed policy can render urban agriculture to remain an “invisible” sector of society. Distribution and logistics and marketing venues are also not a major concern, and informant interviews have supported this notion, with most farmers reporting adequate local markets for their products. Urban Agriculture. For instance, regulations, such as zoning, city plans, and building codes, may prevent farms from locating in cities on vacant lots or on rooftops. Farm labor is another major concern for about one-fifth of the respondents, and established urban farms find accessing farm labor more often challenging than their counterparts. Facilitating and using these networks to enhance technical assistance provision can be one role that Extension staff can play given the time and financially strapped environment that many function within. For instance, access to water may be addressed in some city policies, while in other areas farmers have major problems with access and prices for water usage due to the lack of policy mechanisms. Introduction. The top product grown by the respondent urban farms was fresh vegetables (67.5% of all production output), followed by nursery items such as seedlings and herbs (8.2%), fresh fruits (8.1%), and meat and poultry (5.5%). Farmers also reported moderate to high technical assistance needs in many other areas that Extension staff can address. PY - 2014/1/1. Surls, R., Feenstra, G., Golden, S., Galt, R., Hardesty, S., Napawan, C., & Wilen, C. (2014). Journal, Inc. ISSN 1077-5315. Greenhouse 130 41.3. The urban agriculture sector is one of young, recently established farms and farmers. *Significant at P<.05. This publication focuses on information gathered from a 2013 national study of urban agriculture. In total, 315 respondents from across the country identified their farm as an "urban or peri-urban (i.e., suburban area, or outside a suburban area of a city) farm." International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 8(1-2), 1-19. This is exacerbated by the fact that most Extension agents are trained to support rural farming and are often located physically distant from urban centers (Pearson et al., 2010).
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