acros fukuoka wikipedia
The ACROS building in Tenjin is a wonderful example of eco-architecture. The building has a terraced roof that merges with the park and contains some 35,000 plants representing 76 species. Fukuoka is a modern city; most of its buildings are new. Fukuoka (福岡) is the capital of Fukuoka prefecture and the largest city on the island of Kyushu.. Koyasan, but local anti-Buddhist authorities threatened to destroy the temple in 1886. (updated Mar 2016) 33.59325130.351472 7 Fukuoka Tower (福岡タワー), Sawara-ku Momochihama 2-3-26. modifier L' ACROS Fukuoka (アクロス福岡?) Hotel in Fukuoka (0.3 miles from ACROS Fukuoka Prefectural International Hall) Providing free WiFi throughout the property, Tokyu Stay Fukuoka Tenjin is located in Fukuoka, a 7-minute walk from Tenjin Central Park and 600 yards from Hakatamachiyakishintakatoro. ACROS Fukuoka is a terraced structure building facing Tenjin Central Park. ACROS has a steps garden that runs up the façade of the building in the shape of a staircase. Il s'y tient une exposition permanente d'artisanat traditionnel. The Acros building is a 15-storey building in central Fukuoka designed to look like a hanging garden. Vengono inoltre organizzate settimanalmente delle mostre temporanee durante le quali artigiani ed artisti locali esibiscono le proprie tecniche ed i propri lavori. La face sud de l'ACROS Fukuoka est recouverte de végétation. Read more. Al servizio dei turisti, il centro di informazione culturale offre informazioni sulle 7 prefetture dell'isola di Kyūshū: luoghi di interesse storico-culturale, festival, concerti ed eventi. (updated Mar 2016) 7 Fukuoka Tower (福岡タワー), Sawara-ku Momochihama 2-3-26. Taken on March 16, 2013. Il terreno e la vegetazione hanno un effetto isolante, contribuiscono a mantenere bassa la temperatura dell'edificio e le emissioni di CO2. The ACROS Fukuoka building in Fukuoka City in Japan is an amazing office building with two very distinct sides: one side looks like a conventional office building with glass walls, but on the other side there is a huge terraced roof that merges with a park. Acro Show Villeneuve by bulbocode909 16 6 Kyotaki river by nonogaga photography 15 4 Cambo SCII, 150mm, 6x7 roll of Fujifilm Acros. Aug 8, 2017 - In Fukuoka City in Japan, they have an amazing building called "ACROS Fukuoka" with two very distinct sides: one side looks like a conventional office building with glass walls, but on the other side there is a huge terraced roof that merges with a park. Le terme ACROS est l' acronyme de Asian CrossRoad Over the Sea, exprimant l'ouverture de ce lieu sur le monde. L'interno dell'edificio consiste in un imponente atrio illuminato con luce naturale che scandisce sui diversi piani (14 fuori terra e 4 sotterranei) spazi multifunzionali pubblici (38.629 m²) e privati (58.774 m²). Le terme ACROS est l'acronyme de Asian CrossRoad Over the Sea, exprimant l'ouverture de ce lieu sur le monde. Inauguré en avril 1995 après plus de trois ans de travaux, conçu par l'architecte Emilio Ambasz, il est composé entre autres d'une salle de concert symphonique, d'un centre de conférence, d'un centre d'information culturel à l'adresse des touristes et d'une galerie d'art traditionnel. Its roof is tiered at each floor to maximize space for the garden which contains a total of 50,000 plants and trees of 120 species. Completed in 1994, the $380-million ACROS Fukuoka Prefectural International Hall is one of the most important examples of green architecture in the 1990s. Acros Fukuoka, Tenjin: Xem đánh giá, bài viết và ảnh về Acros Fukuoka, được xếp hạng Số trên Tripadvisor trong số điểm du lịch tại (Acros Fukuoka, Tenjin). 7 Fukuoka Tower (福岡タワー) , כתובת: Sawara-ku Momochihama 2-3-26. external links . The Acros Fukuoka building is a fantastic example of green architecture. מוזיאונים . Con questo palazzo cerco di fare onore al mio slogan – che non sempre mi riesce bene – che è quello di restituire alla comunità il cento per cento del terreno che il palazzo copre, in forma di giardini accessibili alle persone.[...]». アクロス福岡 (ACROS Fukuoka) - 福岡市にある公民複合施設。 アクロス重信 - 愛媛県東温市の屋内スキー場。 アクロス豊川 - 愛知県豊川市の商業施設。 あけのアクロスタウン - 大分県大分市の商業施設。 Walk through the rooftop garden The building is 14 stories high and visitors can stroll through the rooftop garden. Des expositions temporaires sont organisées chaque semaine. 8 Atago Shrine (愛宕神社). It includes Tenjin and Daimyō which are among the largest downtown areas in Kyūshū, Nagahama, which is known for its fish market, and Ōhori Park ACROS Fukuoka by 晴耕雨読 65 183 In Fukuoka city. La facciata rivolta a sud è scandita da una serie di giardini terrazzati ricoperti da vegetazione che fanno di quest'edificio uno dei primi esempi di architettura ecologica. A roof garden is a garden on the roof of a building. Il progetto propone una soluzione nuova ad uno dei problemi urbani più ricorrente ovvero conciliare la necessità di costruire ed edificare con il bisogno del pubblico di avere ampi spazi verdi. Its Step Garden, is a spacious rooftop garden created with the concept of a mountain in the center of Fukuoka, where you can climb to the 60 m high observation platform on the 14th floor. ACROS Fukuoka from Tenjin Central Park.JPG 3,264 × 2,448; 3.08 MB Acros Fukuoka from Tenjin Central Park.jpg 4,011 × 3,008; 2.83 MB Acrosfukuoka01.jpg 800 × 800; 596 KB ACROS Fukuoka is a center for international, cultural and informational exchange. L'une des façades du bâtiment est en grande partie recouverte de végétation, en faisant l'un des premiers chefs-d'œuvre de l'architecture écologique. This urban oasis is a junction of international and cultural information. L'ACROS Fukuoka (アクロス福岡 ) è un edificio situato nel quartiere Tenjin di Fukuoka, in Giappone. Ciò è soddisfatto da un'unica struttura che crea un innovativo modello agro-urbano. It's cool to go inside and see the light filtering in through the trees. Just east of ACROS is the former Prefectural Guest House, featuring turn of the century architecture. It is beautiful! Pontafon [CC BY-SA 3.0] Acros Fukuoka building with Roof garden, in Fukuoka city, Japan. All structured data from the main, Property, Lexeme, and EntitySchema namespaces is available under the Creative Commons CC0 License; text in the other namespaces is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. Acros Fukuoka building in Fukuoka city, Japan. [1] Inaugurato nell'aprile 1995, dopo più di tre anni di cantiere e progettato dall'architetto argentino Emilio Ambasz, ospita al suo interno una sala per concerti, sale congressi, un centro di informazione culturale rivolto ai turisti, uffici governativi e privati e una galleria d'arte tradizionale. Date of experience: March 2019. Emilio Ambasz (born 13 June 1943, Resistencia, Chaco) is an Argentine architect and award-winning industrial designer.From 1970 to 1976 he was Curator of Design at the Museum of Modern Art, in New York.Ambasz was an early proponent of 'green' architecture.. Ambasz's trademark style is a combination of buildings and gardens, which he describes as 'green over grey'. Understand []. ACROS Fukuoka building: An office building in Fukuoka, Japan that features 35,000 plants representing 76 species along with sustainable features such as using … This page was last edited on 17 November 2020, at 13:46. La Fukuoka Symphony Hall è una sala per concerti di grandi dimensioni a pianta rettangolare, detta shoe-box, "a scatola da scarpe". À l'origine constituée de 37 000 plantes de 76 variétés différentes, la façade végétale se compose maintenant de 50 000 plantes de 120 variétés différentes. «Per me Fukuoka è molto importante perché è la dimostrazione che si può fare architettura verde nel centro della città. 6 ACROS. Inaugurato nell'aprile 1995, dopo più di tre anni di cantiere e progettato dall'architetto argentino Emilio Ambasz, ospita al suo interno una sala per concerti, sale congressi, un centro di informazione culturale rivolto ai turisti, uffici governativi e privati e una galleria d'arte tradizionale. Au service des touristes, le centre d'information permet de s'informer sur les évènements culturels ayant lieu dans la préfecture de Fukuoka et les autres préfectures de Kyūshū. アクロス福岡(アクロスふくおか、acros fukuoka)は、福岡県 福岡市 中央区 天神一丁目1番1号にある福岡県施設と民間施設(オフィススペース・商業施設)が同居した官民複合施設。 管理運営会社は、公益財団法人アクロス福岡(県施設のみ)。 1995年4月開業。 The garden terraces, which reach… Le 15 terrazze sono aperte al pubblico e ospitano una serie di giardini (che occupano un'area di circa 5.400 m²) per la meditazione e il relax, luoghi adatti a fuggire dal caos e dalla congestione urbana. Architect: Emilio Ambasz. Al termine dei lavori di costruzione si contavano 76 diverse varietà per un totale di circa 35.000 piante ma, con il trascorrere degli anni, gli uccelli e gli agenti atmosferici, hanno contribuito ad aumentare la biodiversità, introducendo in questo micro ecosistema semi di nuove specie (ad oggi si contano 120 varietà per un totale di 50.000 piante).[3]. The Acros Fukuoka building is a fantastic example of green architecture. Public outcry lead to a decade-long effort to have the temple transferred to Sasaguri. 9 Hakata Port Tower . La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 2 mars 2019 à 12:35. The main railway station and port are still known as Hakata Station and Hakata Port. L'ACROS Fukuoka (アクロス福岡?) est un centre d'échange culturel situé dans le quartier Tenjin de Fukuoka, au Japon. Tenjin Tourism; Tenjin Hotels; Tenjin Holiday Rentals; Flights to Tenjin; Tenjin Restaurants; Tenjin Attractions; Tenjin Travel Forum; Tenjin Photos; Tenjin Map Welcome to! Il termine ACROS è l'acronimo di Asian CrossRoad Over the Sea. Conta 1867 posti a sedere disposti su 3 piani e può ospitare sia eventi musicali (orchestre sinfoniche e gruppi da camera) che conferenze accademiche. It was moved in 1899, under the leadership of Sasaguri priest, Hayashi Satoshiun. User: [CC-BY-SA-3.0] View of Acros, Fukuoka. L'isolation ainsi réalisée permet de réduire les dépenses énergétiques et le réchauffement climatique. est un centre d'échange culturel situé dans le quartier Tenjin de Fukuoka, au Japon. Chūō-ku (中央区) is one of the seven wards of Fukuoka city in Japan.The ward is located in the center of the city. In fondo è un po’ scontato relegare il verde alla periferia lasciando il grigio in città: è un’idea che manca totalmente di immaginazione. Besides the decorative benefit, roof plantings may provide food, temperature control, hydrological benefits, architectural enhancement, habitats or corridors for wildlife, recreational opportunities, and in large scale it may even have ecological benefits. The ACROS Fukuoka building in Fukuoka City in Japan is an amazing office building with two very distinct sides: one side looks like a conventional office building with glass walls, but on the other side there is a huge terraced roof that merges with a park. building in Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. Le bâtiment est constitué de nombreuses salles, où peuvent être données des conférences et être réalisées des expositions. The ACROS building from the side. Ces 5 400 m2 de verdure en font l'un des plus grands bâtiments verts du Japon. Adaptée aux orchestres symphoniques mais aussi aux orchestres de chambre, la salle de concert dispose d'une capacité d'accueil de 1867 sièges, répartis sur trois niveaux. è un edificio situato nel quartiere Tenjin di Fukuoka, in Giappone. L'ACROS Fukuoka (アクロス福岡?) To have access to all the functionalities of this website, including MSDS's in your preferred language please select your country: Note: This … The name ACROS is an acronym for “Asian Cross Roads Over the Sea,” ~ ACROS Fukuoka Foundation Pioneering green architect Emilio Ambasz transposed a nearly 100,000-square-meter park in the city center onto 15 stepped terraces of the ACROS Fukuoka Prefectural International Hall. It serves as an example of how urban landscapes can incorporate nature into their designs and provide green spaces in the city. The building has a terraced shape & each terrace is planted with shrubs & trees. Nanzo-in temple was originally located on Mt. 10 Fukuoka City Museum . Just east of ACROS is the former Prefectural Guest House, featuring turn of the century architecture. Portail de l’architecture et de l’urbanisme,, Page avec coordonnées similaires sur Wikidata, Portail:Architecture et urbanisme/Articles liés, Portail:Préfecture de Fukuoka/Articles liés, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. Questa pagina è stata modificata per l'ultima volta il 25 gen 2020 alle 11:16. Intervista ad Emilio Ambasz, lo zio degli architetti verdi, ACROS Fukuoka sul sito web del progettista,, Voci non biografiche con codici di controllo di autorità, licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Condividi allo stesso modo. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Acros Fukuoka has facilities such as an 1,800 seat symphony hall, event halls for all types of exhibitions and lectures, and an international conference center. Fukuoka (福岡市, Fukuoka-shi, pronounced [ɸɯ̥kɯokaꜜɕi]) is the capital city of Fukuoka Prefecture, situated on the northern shore of the Japanese island of Kyushu.It is the most populous city on the island, followed by Kitakyushu.It is the largest city and metropolitan area west of Keihanshin.The city was designated on April 1, 1972, by government ordinance. La facciata rivolta a sud è scandita da una serie di giardini terrazzati rico… The plants are allowed to overgrow in summer when the building becomes barely visible in a cloud of green. The building has a terraced roof that merges with the park and contains some 35,000 plants representing 76 species. The building has a terraced shape & each terrace is planted with shrubs & trees. Il termine ACROS è l'acronimo di Asian CrossRoad Over the Sea. Historically, it was divided by the central river into two separate cities, Hakata (博多) and Fukuoka (福岡), before their merge in 1889. La Galleria Takumi ospita un'esposizione permanente di arte ed artigianato tradizionali. Inside you’ll find symphony, event, conference and arena halls, galleries, seminar rooms and more. Se il lato nord è caratterizzato da una facciata tipica di un edificio situato su una delle vie più prestigiose di un distretto finanziario, il lato sud amplia l'esistente parco (Tenjin central park) grazie a una serie di giardini terrazzati ricoperti da una folta vegetazione che si arrampica per tutta l'altezza dell'edificio, culminando in un belvedere che offre una vista sulla zona circostante e sulla vicina area portuale. ] View of ACROS is the former Prefectural Guest House, featuring turn of the century.. ) è un edificio situato nel quartiere Tenjin di Fukuoka, in Giappone of Kyushu in the! The seven wards of Fukuoka city, Japan in the center of the century architecture page was last on! Seven wards of Fukuoka prefecture and the largest city on the roof of a staircase permet... Plants are allowed to overgrow in summer when the building has a steps garden that runs up façade... 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