why is chalice of the void so expensive
Still probably worth it, probably gets you an extra turn or two. If there are zero charge counters on Chalice of the Void, it counters each spell with a converted mana cost of 0. You can also use aether vial to bypass the effect of chalice. Like previous budget Modern lists, the build has to be modified given there is no like-for-like replacement on the expensive cards such as Chalice of the Void. 3/16/2018. The rise of Chalice based decks in Modern and Legacy (such as Eldrazi) brought the price up. Its a card that everyone needs for the deck (in most cases as a 4 of), and its effect is irreplaceable by other cards. Against burn or affinity I take it back out if I'm going to be on the draw. Heart of the cards and all that. Chalice of the Void's unique, interesting, playable, fun, flavorful, and game-changing, with art that establishes an appropriately haunting mood: the only thing this card is missing is a line of awesome flavor text, like Debtors' Knell has. Sometimes they’ll have Chalice of the Void, Leyline of Sanctity, and/or Madcap Experiment. As mentioned, chalice on 0 or 1 has very little effect on Merfolk. Just to add to your list, an early Chalice set on one can absolutely wreck Bogles, especially because the sideboard artifact removal that we usually run - Nature's Claim - is a one drop. Those cards really juiced Burn, Delver, and other decks playing cheap spells. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. If there are zero charge counters on Chalice of the Void, it counters each spell with a converted mana cost of 0. However, Uro-Omnath is also $1200-$1300 on MTGO. Amulet Titan is very good at prolonging the game, and Chalice of the Void aids the strategy very well. Whenever a player casts a spell with converted mana cost equal to the number of charge counters on Chalice of the Void, counter that spell. Reply. Chalice on one early enough can slow them down, but if they get Ascension out I've definitely seen them fight through it. Cost increasers and cost reducers are not taken into account. For relative comparison, the deck costs more than Legacy B/R Reanimator costs in paper. VisceralAsphyxiation Mar 22, 2019. Mostly all correct. Cursecatcher, vial, spell pierce, and vapor snag (and maybe dispel post board) are the only cards it stops. We tick it up to two. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Until there's a way to play it T1, I would say it will slowly lose value over time. Whenever a player casts a spell with converted mana cost equal to the number of charge counters on Chalice of the Void, counter that spell. One thing to note though is that chalice tends to be mediocre against storm. Press J to jump to the feed. Most people hang onto them just in case and/or out of laziness, so the supply is still depressed compared to before the demand. If a spell with X in its mana cost is cast, the CMC of such spell on the stack will include the chosen X value (in all other zones, X=0 for purposes of calculating CMC). Whenever a player casts a spell with converted mana cost equal to the number of charge counters on Chalice of the Void, counter that spell. To sell cards to us you will need to trade one of our buy bots within Magic Online. Buy Price. Whenever a player casts a spell with converted mana cost equal to the number of charge counters on Chalice of the Void, counter that spe Claim Your Bonus! Whenever a player casts a spell with converted mana cost equal to the number of charge counters on Chalice of the Void, counter that spell. T1 chalice on 0 vs affinity, amulet bloom, living end is strong. Sort by: Items Per Page: 1; 2; Next . Sick! See you in the void! I was just curious as to what caused this spike. Extended illustration of my Chalice of the Void artwork done for Magic the Gathering. It's a very powerful, swingy card. Chalice can straight up win certain matchups by making them slower due to lowering consistency (chalice on 1 against tron) by wiping out decks with very low mana curves (on 1 for burn) or removing their ability to "go off" (on 2 for shoal or storm). Ordering Information. I … You'll almost never put it to 2. Typically I don't mind - against living end, for instance, the chalice is doing the work the spell pierce would've done. Chalice of the Void enters the battlefield with X charge counters on it. A chalice on 2 would counter the first instance of grapeshot, but not all the copies. Pro Tip! The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Then it saw play in the Protour Eldrazi deck and it spiked again. No merfolk player leaves their vial on one for more than one turn. Don't let people sell you too hard on the concept of vial allowing us to get around chalice on 1. And don’t forget to return each winter when you hear the void’s call. So, as we prepare the altar for our Yule celebrations, my chalice remains empty, upside down, with a candle to represent the spark of inspiration that will come through the void. AJScott26. Jund and grixis are two deck that I can think of that can survive it pretty well pre-SB. Even in mirror it feel good to put down my 0 costs and than put it on the battlefield with 0 counters on it so no memnite no thopter no mox opal :). As someone who occasionally plays Bogles, I have to admit that Chalice on 1 is probably the best thing against me, even better than Spellskite. I haven't been paying a whole lot of attention to the metagame these last few months, being perfectly content to just play the decks I have every week or so that I get a chance to. It also takes probe, some green pump spells and more. But other than that, no. Everybody seems to forget Chalice for X = 2 is viable by turn three or so. And it's because they're good. So its somewhat narrow in that you need a deck that wants chalice, but doesn't have better options. Is that enough? One purpose was to create a powerful draft format for experienced players who could draft with great skill, and the other was to reprint a lot of expensive cards for the Modern and/or Legacy and Commander formats to lower their costs temporarily, from the fetchlands to Tamogoyf and Chalice of the Void. Ok, maybe not literally, but a Chalice set to 1 or 2 can shut down entire decks. ... Oh this is so absolutely stuning! Take this all with a grain of salt though because I'm not a merfolk player. Death and Taxes (Favored) Chalice of the Void is fairly weak against Flickerwisp, so you can easily take it out. Typically I don't mind - against living end, for instance, the chalice is doing the work the spell pierce would've done. Chalice of the Void is potentially an option to side out on the draw as well, but I’m not sure about that at all. Chalice of the Void Mirrodin. Card Type: Artifact Cost: Card Text: Chalice of the Void comes into play with X charge counters on it. This means that there exist significant barriers which may be preventing people from playing the deck, … It probably just stayed up there due to price memory after Eye of Ugin was banned from modern, I don't think the legacy demand is that high although I could be wrong. So, Chalice of the Void with X=3 will for example counter Blaze with X=2. Modern staples go up in price. A diverse community of players devoted to Magic: the Gathering, a trading card game ("TCG") produced by Wizards of the Coast and originally designed by Richard Garfield. it will take path, bolt, thoughtsieze, serum vision, and inquisition. Chalice of the Void $42.74 $103.66; But the designers of that set certainly didn’t know that Modern would exist, nor that we’d be in this specific, pre-Pro Tour metagame twelve years later. I understand that it is a good card, but i cant get why you would use it in Merfolk. Ordering Information. Chalice on 1 was one way people fought back. If your opener is vial, chalice, cursecatcher, then yes. Whenever a player plays a spell with converted mana cost equal to the number of charge counters on Chalice of the Void, counter that spell. Really narrow cards drop hard when a deck falls out of the meta but the more versatile stuff tends to stay pricey. Join us discussing news, tournaments, gameplay, deckbuilding, strategy, lore, fan art, cosplay, and more. Reply. The Eldrazi deck being mostly colorless fit that bill for example. Chalice of the Void has to be on the battlefield at the end of casting a … Chalice of the Void enters the battlefield with X charge counters on it. I would only bring vial in against matchups where it's impactful enough to be worth potentially locking me out of 6-10 of my other cards. Chalice of the Void enters the battlefield with X charge counters on it. Hey guys, i just have another question since i can't seem to find any information on it. 12.15 TIX | … Even then, Anguished Unmaking will cover your bases, although it is a bit expensive. Chalice of the Void $44.99 $49.84; Because tons of other people went online and wanted to order them for their Modern and Legacy decks. EDH Recommendations and strategy content for Magic: the Gathering Commander Why is Chalice of the Void so expensive? there are plenty of decks it can shut down. It first spiked when Treasure Cruise/Dig Through Time hit the metagame. Those are the 5 most played cards in modern generally and cards you don't like to begin with. I really hope the next time the card gets printed in paper, they use your artwork. Casting it for 0 is even very good against a deck like Living End or Amulet. 34 votes, 100 comments. Additional Printed Versions. It's a terrible top deck, but most of those matches do not devolve to top decking. If a chalice is on 1 and the opponent is playing … Any early game dependent deck is often hurt badly by chalice of the void. Pro Tip! Matteo-T-I-F Mar 19, 2019. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. T2 on 1 hits burn, tron, storm, martyr of sands, zoo, elves, lantern control. So let's say the Chalice has 1 charge counter. This includes face-down creature spells cast with morph’s alternative cost. May your chalice also be empty and at rest this Yule. Chalice of the Void enters the battlefield with X charge counters on it. The sad truth of it is that you sort of have to accept that Chalice of the Void can be a game breaker for you. 3/16/2018. If your opener is vial, chalice… Side note, affinity doesn't care much about chalice on 1, so unless you have two in hand don't bother. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Magic: The Gathering's Modern format! 11.85 TIX | $10.67 4+ available. Additional Printed Versions. This artifact can win a game all by itself. Just like how some decks can do nothing against a resolved Blood Moon. making it by far the most expensive deck on the platform. incredibly good. 1 is the magical number if you don't know the deck your playing against. Not just that, there's a real effect going on here: When the card gets crushed due to a ban all of the copies people bought up when it was being heavily played don't suddenly jump back onto the market. It's clearly a good card, but the metagame has changed a lot since both spikes. Today I went online to see about ordering a couple more [[chalice of the void]] for my modern deck, only to find out that the price has increased eight times from when I got mine. Chalice of the Void [MS2] Ensnaring Bridge [MS2] Scroll Rack [MS2] Grindstone [MS2] Mana Crypt [MS2] Mana Vault [MS2] Wurmcoil Engine [MS2] Engineered Explosives [MS2] Most searched. What does 0 hit against ad nauseam? thinks like zoo, infect, burn, are all hit hard when half or more of their deck is automatically countered for free. Chalice of the Void enters the battlefield with X charge counters on it. Ordering Information. Also not a ton of copies in circulation as it was only printed once in an old set and once in a limited run set. This isn't even a comprehensive list by any means. aether vial - Gatherer, MC, ($)[[cardname]] to call - not on gatherer = not ^^^fetchable, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the ModernMagic community. Things like Warping Wail or All is Dust can achieve the same goal depending on your local meta. I got mine for about that price, back during the Treasure Cruise days (to annoy Delver Players). Thus giving you extra mana to pump into chalice to set it to a needed amount of counters. Any deck that runs cavern of souls can abuse chalice by putting it on a number they know will disrupt their opponent while not effecting them due to the fact that the cmc they are blocking is only creatures. Personally, I think most decks have better tools than Chalice for the match-ups where it might help. June 11, 2017 12:51 p.m. 1 … I haven't been paying a whole lot of attention to the metagame these last few months, being perfectly content to just play the decks I have every week or so that I get a chance to. It's not an autowin against any of them, and you kind of need it in your opening hand. That was made clear in an article Randy Buehler wrote over a decade ago when Mirrodin was released. Cause you can use Aether Vial to still get your guys into play, Just to mention a few card that it stops on 1:BoltPath to exileThoughtesizeDispelInquizitionAmuletSleight of handSerum visions...I am playing two in my Affinity MAIN DECK. For Chalice and Karn is no real replacement, because they do unique things, but there are replacements that solve a similar purpose, if you know what you need the most. Bloom and Pacts? Admittedly, it's a steep paywall, but Eldrazi Tron can function without Chalice if you use a bit of creativity. This artifact can win a game all by itself. Chalice of the Void enters the battlefield with X charge counters on it. Ok, maybe not literally, but a Chalice set to 1 or 2 can shut down entire decks. Chalice of the Void vs spells with X in their mana costs Asked by Fizzz 5 years ago. Whenever a player casts a spell with converted mana cost equal to the number of charge counters on Chalice of the Void, counter that spell. Chalice of the Void has to be on the battlefield at the end of casting a … Tribal decks, Eldrazi, Lands, and a few other decks play chalice because it shuts off certain decks or just because it hits brainstorm, chalice of the void - (G) (MC)[[cardname]] or [[cardname|SET]] to call, it's one of the best sideboard cards of all time and there's no subtitute for it. chalice of the void #1 May 29, 2012. You just have to hope for the best. [autocard]Chalice of the Void[/autocard] was designed for eternal formats. Budget Eldrazi Tron. X Buy Price: Sell Us Your Cards. View User Profile View Posts Send Message Experienced Mage; Location: BFE Indiana Join Date: 6/15/2010 Posts: 66 Whenever a player casts a spell with converted mana cost equal to the number of charge counters on Chalice of the Void, counter that spell. It's just redundancy (they run Ignot Chewers, after all). So I have a ruling question regarding missing chalice of the void triggers. AJScott26. As a result, Chalice has retained its hefty price tag. 3/16/2018. Thanks. Chalice of the Void enters the battlefield with X charge counters on it. Merfolk only has a few one drops and it also plays Vial and Cavern, which allows you to bypass your own spells being countered. Well it's played a lot in legacy. Merfolk player here, chalice sideboard is a favorite of mine. 3/16/2018. Rarity, #: R, 203 Card Type: Artifact Description: Chalice of the Void enters the battlefield with X charge counters on it. It was played in the modern Eldrazi deck before it got banned and is still played in legacy Eldrazi. Chalice of the Void enters the battlefield with X charge counters on it. This includes face-down creature spells cast with morph’s alternative cost. Chalice on 0 does prevent Pacts for value against Amulet, but it's important to know it does not prevent Hive Mind kills. A lot of players probably held onto their copies after the modern Eldrazi nerf since it's the kind of card that seems like it'll show up in the format again (both powerful and flexible as a colorless spell). Tron and burn as you listed are two, but soul sisters and BW tokens are completly annihilated by a chalice pre-SB. Join for free and claim 175 bonus Puca Points once you complete your profile. If you say 1 you will hurt a relevant part of the deck most of the times. Furthermore, the cost of the deck is so high it exceeds the maximum rental capacity for Manatraders. i cant seem to understand when you would use it or why you would use it. Search Results for chalice of the void. In theory, the addition of Chalice of the Void to the build is an excellent one. Here are some of the matchups that it's good against: That's a lot of decks. Why is Chalice of the Void good in Merfolk? Because with a playsets of [[aether vial]] you can put creatures out without casting them saving you mana. Whenever a player casts a spell with converted mana cost equal to the number of charge counters on Chalice of the Void, counter that spell. Whenever a player casts a spell with converted mana cost equal to the number of charge counters on Chalice of the Void, counter that spell. It’s easily tutorable with Tolaria West and Trinket Mage, meaning you typically play your one-mana spells ahead of casting Chalice of the Void with little downside. It's just redundancy (they run Ignot Chewers, after all) Don't let people sell you too hard on the concept of vial allowing us to get around chalice on 1. 10.47 TIX | $9.63 4+ available. Court of Ire [CMR] Rograkh, Son of Rohgahh [CMR] Teferi, Time Raveler [WAR] Omnath, Locus of … Chalice is the single reason I run Naturalize over Nature's Claim in the sideboard (which should be Seal of Primordium, but I don't own any right now). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I wouldn’t bring in Disenchant because it’s bad against most of their deck except if they play Khalni Heart Expedition (rarely played) or Prismatic Omen. It probably just stayed up there due to price memory.
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